Monday, March 06, 2006

DVD of the (past) weekend

Hi folks, as I've been down for a couple of days, I'm actively updating my blog, so watch out for some quality posts later on and apologies for the downtime. Thanks for the interest and the questions received whatsoever!

So, after the "Lone Gunmen", and "The Outer Limits - Sex And Science Fiction Collection" it was about time we go beyond cyberspace with the second part of the "Lawnmower man" a classic techno thriller, with a lot of VR, Cyberpunks, and futuristic scenarious.

Favo quote from part one - "I find a way out, or I die in this diseased main frame" which is also worth watching as a matter of fact. I'm so excited of seeing Ray Kurzweil's views of the future in a DVD box. I am especially interested into Cyberware, and the biological adaptation with technologies. As a matter of fact, there have already been reported cases of people with implanted RFID chips, and while they wish they had Johnny Mnemonic's view of the Internet, that must be some kind of a joke. Picture yourself scanned and monitored wherever you go while walking around with a false sense of security. RFID is a lot of buzz, I feel the potential for information sharing, and resources cutting is outstanding, still, the levels of security or lack of understanding on the privacy implications is the biggest downsize so far.

Would we someday build an AI that would crawl the Universe forever colonizing the obeying the morale we learnt "it" to? I find this such a great idea :)

Some resources on Cyberware and Cyberpunks :

The Cyberpunk Project
"Cyberpunks in Cyberspace"
Cyberanarchists, Neuromantics and Virtual Morality
Cyberpunks and their online activities
Cyberpunk - Ebook

Cyberware Technology
Realistic and Affordable Cyberware Opponents for the Information Warfare BattleSpace
Cyberware Implants

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