"Covert pedophilia in the Victorian society". Is that a good line, or is that a good line? Censorship as a matter of viewpoint
- as of recently Globe and Mail want you to purchase the article
without realizing the click-through rates for both, Doubleclick serving
the ads at their site and them, if it were distributing it for free, but
anyway guess they should have told Google either :
Legards' central thesis is that the debate over children and sexual
imagery has been dominated and distorted by two opposing myths: one is
"the quasi-religious conception of childhood innocence," which involves
"the irrational denial of childhood sexuality"; the other is "the
ideology" of the artist as someone "possessing mystical abilities and
unique rights" that should not be constrained by the state."
After thoughtcrime
and intention-crime policing, it's about time behaviour-policing starts
taking place, now wouldn't that be truly outrageous? Something no one
is again going to do anything about, thinking he's either the only one
seeing it, or perhaps prefers to keep playing in his own corner?
discussions like these should only happen after the real problem, with
real child porn online gets solved. And that wouldn't happen by fighting
the distribution channels as they're too many to control and police,
but by making sure the production stage never happens at the first
Another article on the topic "Clothed Child Porn Online?". By the way, are you finally seduced now? A rocket scientist doesn't seem to be, throughout the "decade of dedicating downloading". Such a collection can now definitely acts as a new digitally fingerprinted database to keep track of.