Let's take the time and effort to elaborate on what exactly InfoWar Monitor 2.0 aims to achieve including a detailed explanation of some of the key features of the newly launched portal-based type of research-based Information Security and Cybercrime Research and Threat Intelligence gathering community. Users interested in contributing with content including blog contribution including partnership sponsorship and possible advertising requests can approach me at dancho.danchev@hush.com
01. What is Inforwar Monitor 2.0?
Inforwar Monitor 2.0 aims to build the World's largest and most comprehensive community for Information Security, threat intelligence gathering and cybercrime research. Managed and operated by Dancho Danchev the World's leading expert in Information Security and cybercrime research and threat intelligence gathering the community seeks to provide information data and knowledge to thousands of users globally.
Among the key features include:
- Daily Security News Coverage
- Information Security Videos
- Security and Hacking eBook
- Security Newsletter
- Information Security Podcast
- Security and Hacking E-Zine
- Security Mailing List
- Daily Intelligence Brief
- Closed Security Community
02. What is Disruptive Individuals?
Disruptive Individuals is a research-intensive data-driven company successfully establishing the world's largest snapshot of malicious cybercrime activity for the purpose of offering the industry the world's most versatile portfolio of malicious cybercrime-driven services successfully positioning itself as the world's leading provider of real-time intelligence-driven services and product portfolio including cybercrime-research data malicious activity profiling services and custom-tailored intelligence assessments successfully positioning the company as the world's leading provider of cybercrime-data driven research-intensive intelligence data-driven company.
03. What is the Obmonix Platform?
The Obmonix platform aims to build the World's most versatile and comprehensive sensor network for intercepting monitoring and responding to cybercrime and cyber jihad events successfully deploying a variety of proprietary sensor network based of honeypot appliances industry-wide partnership including the utilization of proprietary cybercrime and cyber jihad forum and community monitoring and infiltration campaigns successfully positioning the platform as the leading indicator for cybercrime and cyber jihad activity globally empowering the operator law enforcement and the security industry with then necessary tactics techniques and procedures (TTPs) for successfully responding and monitoring cybercrime and cyber jihad activity globally leading to successful launch of the Disruptive Individuals startup successfully serving the needs of the Intelligence Community, the security industry and law enforcement agencies globally successfully anticipating an emerging set of malicious and fraudulent tactics techniques and procedures successfully protecting millions of users globally.
04. What is Threat Data?
Threat Data is the industry's leading and most versatile JSON-capable threats database successfully empowering companies and security researchers with the necessary knowledge to stay ahead of current and emerging threats, further, positioning their company and enterprise on the top of its game.
- Russian Business Network coverage
- Koobface Botnet coverage
- Kneber Botnet coverage
- Hundreds of IOCs (Indicators of Compromise)
- Tactics Techniques and Procedures In-Depth Coverage
- Malicious and fraudulent infrastructure mapped and exposed
- Malicious and fraudulent Blackhat SEO coverage
- Malicious spam and phishing campaigns
- Malicious and fraudulent scareware campaigns
- Malicious and fraudulent money mule recruitment scams
- Malicious and fraudulent reshipping mule recruitment scams
- Web based mass attack compromise fraudulent and malicious campaigns
- Malicious and fraudulent client-side exploits serving campaigns
Potential users and clients interested in obtaining access to Threat Data including a possible trial and a sample can approach me at dancho.danchev@hush.com
Stay tuned!