Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cyber Jihadists part of the GIMF Busted

In one of those "better late than never" type of situations, last month members of the Global Islamic Media Front were busted in Germany. The group is largely known due to their releases and propaganda of the Technical Mujahid E-zine (Part Two) and the Mujahideen Secrets encryption tool (Second Version). GIMF was distributing its multimedia through popular Web 2.0 video sharing sites, perfectly fitting into the profile of the majority of cyber jihadist groups.

GIMF used to be one of my favorite sources of raw OSINT regarding various cyber jihadist activities due to its centralized nature and lack of any operational security in place, in particular the ways it was unknowingly exposing their social networks online.

Related posts:
GIMF Switching Blogs
GIMF Now Permanently Shut Down
GIMF - "We Will Remain"
Inshallahshaheed - Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are
A List of Terrorists' Blogs
Cyber Jihadist Blogs Switching Locations Again
Wisdom of the Anti Cyber Jihadist Crowd
Analyses of Cyber Jihadist Forums and Blogs
Terror on the Internet - Conflict of Interest

Monday, December 15, 2008

Skype Phishing Pages Serving Exploits and Malware - Part Two

Dear malware spreader, here we meet again. It's been a while since I last wrote to you, half an year ago to be precise. Since I first met you, keeping (automated) track of your phishing campaigns serving old school VBS scripts has become an inseparable part of my daily routine.

I really enjoyed the fact that since then you've changed your email address from to and due to its descriptive nature speaking for a software company set up, I can only envy your profitability. However, due to the tough economic times, your latest round of blended with malware phishing emails has to go down. I'm sure you'd understand, as it only took "5 minutes out of my online experience" to notice you, and so I'm no longer interested in processing the /service-peyment/ that you require on the majority of brandjacked subdomains that you keep creating at the very same

secureskype.uuuq .com redirects to monybokers.ns8-wistee .fr/skype/cgi-bin/us/security/update-skype/service-peyment/update/login.aspx/index.htmls where the VBS is pushed, with its detection rate prone to improve.

Localized Social Engineering on Demand

If I were to come across this service last year, I'd be very surprised. But coming across it in 2008 isn't surprising at all, and that's the disturbing part.

Following the ongoing trend of localizing cybercrime (Localizing Cybercrime - Cultural Diversity on Demand; Localizing Cybercrime - Cultural Diversity on Demand Part Two) a new service takes the concept further by introducing a multilingual on demand social engineering service especially targeting scammers and fraudsters that are unable to "properly scam an international financial institution" due to the language limitations. What is the service all about? Currently offering to "talk cybercrime on behalf of you", the service is charging $9 for a call with increased use of it leading to the usual price discounts falling to $6 per call. The languages covered and the male/female voices available are as follows :

- English (3 male voices and 2 female ones)
- German (2 male voices and 1 female one)
- Spanish (1 male voice and 2 female ones)
- Italian (1 male voice and 1 female one)
- French (1 male voice and 1 female one)

If the service was only advertising male or female English voices, I'd suspect it of being run by a single individual using a commercial voice changer application, however, due to the fact that it's currently offering male and female voices in 5 languages, there's a great chance that these are in fact separate people they're working with. The ugly part is that the whole business model is very well thought of in the sense that given that fact that certain banks or online services can automatically freeze the assets to which the cybercriminal has access to, the service, through its multilingual capabilities can indeed convince the institution in the authenticity of the Spanish caller that's indeed Spanish based on the stolen personal information provided by the cybercriminal in the first place.

Where's the trade-off for cybercriminals? They would have to very specific in order for the service to work, meaning, they would have to use it as a intermediary by sharing data regarding compromised banking accounts, expected courier deliveries obtained through fraudulent means (stolen credit card details), and the service reserves the right not to work with them. Consequently, the people working with the service easily act as the weakest link in the process of exposing ongoing cybercrime or real-life crime activities, and compared to plain simple localization in the sense of translation services, the real nature of the type of conversations and impersonation happening through this one should be pretty obvious to the people offering their natural cultural diversity and voices for sale.

Despite that monetizing social engineering is not new, monetizing (accomplice) voices, and running a social engineering ring definitely is.

Localized Social Engineering on Demand

If I were to come aross this service last year, I'd be very surprised. But coming across it in 2008 isn't surprising at all, and that's the disturbing part.

Following the ongoing trend of localizing cybercrime (Localizing Cybercrime - Cultural Diversity on Demand; Localizing Cybercrime - Cultural Diversity on Demand Part Two) a new service takes the concept further by introducing a multilingual on demand social engineering service especially targeting scammers and fraudsters that are unable to "properly scam an international financial institution" due to the language limitations. What is the service all about? Currently offering to "talk cybercrime on behalf of you", the service is charging $9 for a call with increased use of it leading to the usual price discounts falling to $6 per call. The languages covered and the male/female voices available are as follows :

- English (3 male voices and 2 female ones)
- German (2 male voices and 1 female one)
- Spanish (1 male voice and 2 female ones)
- Italian (1 male voice and 1 female one)
- French (1 male voice and 1 female one)

If the service was only advertising male or female English voices, I'd suspect it of being run by a single individual using a commercial voice changer application, however, due to the fact that it's currently offering male and female voices in 5 languages, there's a great chance that these are in fact separate people they're working with. The ugly part is that the whole business model is very well thought of in the sense that given that fact that certain banks or online services can automatically freeze the assets to which the cybercriminal has access to, the service, through its multilingual capabilities can indeed convince the institution in the authenticity of the Spanish caller that's indeed Spanish based on the stolen personal information provided by the cybercriminal in the first place.

Where's the trade-off for cybercriminals? They would have to very specific in order for the service to work, meaning, they would have to use it as a intermediary by sharing data regarding compromised banking accounts, expected courier deliveries obtained through fraudulent means (stolen credit card details), and the service reserves the right not to work with them. Consequently, the people working with the service easily act as the weakest link in the process of exposing ongoing cybercrime or real-life crime activities, and compared to plain simple localization in the sense of translation services, the real nature of the type of conversations and impersonation happening through this one should be pretty obvious to the people offering their natural cultural diversity and voices for sale.

Despite that monetizing social engineering is not new, monetizing (accomplice) voices, and running a social engineering ring definitely is.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Koobface Gang Mixing Social Engineering Vectors

It's the Facebook message that came from one of your infected friends pointing you to an on purposely created bogus Bloglines blog serving fake YouTube video window, that I have in mind. The Koobface gang has been mixing social engineering vectors by taking the potential victim on a walk through legitimate services in order to have them infected without using any client-side vulnerabilities.

For instance, this bogus Bloglines account (bloglines .com/blog/Youtubeforbiddenvideo) has attracted over 150 unique visitors already, part of Koobface's Hi5 spreading campaign (catshof .com/go/hi5.php). The domain is parked at the very same IP that the rest of the central redirection ones in all of Koobface's campaigns are -

Interestingly, since underground multitasking is becoming a rather common practice, the bogus blog has also been advertised within a blackhat SEO farm using the following blogs, currently linking to several hundred bogus Google Groups accounts :

bloglines .com/blog/gillehuxeda
bloglines .com/blog/chaneyok
bloglines .com/blog/ramosimeco
bloglines .com/blog/antwanuvfa
bloglines .com/blog/tamaraaqo
bloglines .com/blog/josephyhti
bloglines .com/blog/whiteqivaju
bloglines .com/blog/hayleyem
bloglines .com/blog/tateigyamor
bloglines .com/blog/burnsseuhaqe
bloglines .com/blog/jennaup

bloglines .com/blog/jermainedus
bloglines .com/blog/floydwopew55
bloglines .com/blog/arielehy
bloglines .com/blog/onealqypsu
bloglines .com/blog/mackirma
bloglines .com/blog/sabrinaxycit
bloglines .com/blog/gloverqy
bloglines .com/blog/lisaurja
bloglines .com/blog/greenefayg18
bloglines .com/blog/craigxiw36
bloglines .com/blog/parsonsdos
bloglines .com/blog/martinsutuz
bloglines .com/blog/deandreefe
bloglines .com/blog/briannetu
bloglines .com/blog/kierailpe
bloglines .com/blog/fordyfo27
bloglines .com/blog/litzyracnuj
bloglines .com/blog/bonillavaok
bloglines .com/blog/jennyuxe85
bloglines .com/blog/wilkersonin
bloglines .com/blog/nicolasqydby
bloglines .com/blog/darbyeve
bloglines .com/blog/izaiahro83
bloglines .com/blog/parsonsdos
bloglines .com/blog/fullerjeb81

Abusing legitimate services may indeed get more attention in the upcoming year, following their interest in the practice from the last quarter.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Dissecting the Koobface Worm's December Campaign

The Koobface Facebook worm -- go through an assessment of a previous campaign -- is once again making its rounds across social networking sites, Facebook in particular. Therefore, shall we spill a big cup of coffee over the malware campaigners efforts for yet another time? But of course.

Only OPSEC-ignorant malware campaigners would leave so much traceable points, in between centralizing the campaign's redirection domains on a single IP. For instance, taking advantage of free web counter whose publicly obtainable statistics -- the account has since been deleted -- allow us to not only measure the clickability of Koobface's campaign, but also, prove that they're actively multitasking by combining blackhat SEO and active spreading across several other social networking sites. Here are some of the key summary points for this campaign :

Key summary points :
- the hosting infrastructure for the bogus YouTube site and the actual binary is provided by several thousand dynamically changing malware infected IPs
- all of the malware infected hosts are serving the bogus YouTube site through port 7777
- the very same bogus domains acting as central redirection points from the November's campaign remain active, however, they've switched hosting locations
- if the visitor isn't coming from where she's supposed to be coming, in this case the predefined list of referrers, a single line of "scan ref" is returned with no malicious content displayed
- the campaign can be easily taken care of at least in the short term, but shutting down the centralized redirection points

What follows are the surprises, namely, despite the fact that Koobface is pitched as a Facebook worm, according to their statistics -- go through a previously misconfigured malware campaign stats -- the majority of unique visitors from the December's campaign appear to have been coming from Friendster. As for the exact number of visitors hitting their web counter, counting as of  7 November 2008, 12:58, with 91,109 unique visitors on on 07 Nov, Fri and another 53,260 on 08 Nov, Sat before the counter was deleted, the cached version of their web counter provides a relatively good sample.

On each of the bogus Geocities redirectors, the very same lostart .info/js/gs.js ( used in the previous campaign, attempts to redirect to find-allnot .com/go/fb.php ( or to playtable .info/go/fb.php (, with fb.php doing the referrer checking and redirecting to the botnet hosts magic. Several other well known malware command and control locations are also parked at :

jobusiness .org
a221008 .com
y171108 .com
searchfindand .com
ofsitesearch .com
fashionlineshow .com
anddance .info
firstdance .biz

prixisa .com
danceanddisc .com
finditand .com
findsamthing .com
freemarksearch .com
find-allnot .com
find-here-and-now .com
findnameby .com
anddance .info

These domains, with several exeptions, are actively participating in the campaign, with the easiest way to differentiate whether it's a Facebook or Bebo redirection, remaining the descriptive filenames. For instance, fb.php corresponds to Facebook redirections and be.php corresponding to Bebo redirections (ofsitesearch .com/go/be.php). However, the meat resides within the statistics from their campaign :

Malware serving URLs part of Koobface worm's December's campaign, based on the identical counter used across all the malicious domains :
youtube-x-files .com
youtube-go .com
youtube-spy.5x .pl .pl
youtube-media.none .pl
youtube-files.xh .pl .pl
youtube-files.esite .pl .pl
youtube-spy.nd .pl
youtube-spy.edj .pl
spy-video.oq .pl
shortclips.bubb .pl
youtubego.cacko .pl

asda345.blogspot .com
uholyejedip556.blogspot .com
ufyaegobeni7878.blogspot .com
uiyneteku20176.blogspot .com
ujoiculehe19984.blogspot .com
uinekojapab29989.blogspot .com
uhocuyhipam13345.blogspot .com

Geocities redirectors participating :
geocities .com/madelineeaton10/index.htm
geocities .com/charlievelazquez10/index.htm
geocities .com/raulsheppard18/index.htm

Sample malware infected hosts used by the redirectors :
92.241.134 .41:7777/?ch=&ea=
89.138.171 .49:7777/?ch=&ea=
92.40.34 .217:7777/?ch=&ea=
79.173.242 .224:7777/?ch=&ea=
122.163.103 .91:7777/?ch=&ea=
217.129.155 .36:7777/?ch=&ea=
84.109.169 .124:7777/?ch=&ea=
91.187.67 .216:7777/?ch=&ea=
84.254.51 .227:7777/?ch=&ea=
190.142.5 .32:7777/?ch=&ea=
190.158.102 .246:7777/?ch=&ea=
201.245.95 .86:7777/?ch=&ea=
78.90.85 .7:7777/?ch=&ea=
82.81.25 .144:7777/?ch=&ea=
78.183.143 .188:7777/?ch=&ea=
89.139.86 .88:7777/?ch=&ea=
85.107.190 .105:7777/?ch=&ea=
84.62.84 .132:7777/?ch=&ea=
78.3.42 .99:7777/?ch=&ea=
92.241.137 .158:7777/?ch=&ea=
77.239.21 .34:7777/?ch=&ea=
41.214.183 .130:7777/?ch=&ea=

90.157.250 .133:7777/dt/?ch=&ea=
89.143.27 .39:7777/?ch=&ea=
91.148.112 .179:7777/?ch=&ea=
94.73.0 .211:7777/?ch=&ea=
124.105 .187.176:7777/?ch=&ea=
77.70.108  .163:7777/?ch=&ea=
190.198.162 .240:7777/?ch=&ea=
89.138.23 .121:7777/?ch=&ea=
190.46.50 .103:7777/?ch=&ea=
80.242.120 .135:7777/?ch=&ea=
94.191.140 .143:7777/?ch=&ea=
210.4.126 .100:7777/?ch=&ea=
87.203.145 .61:7777/?ch=&ea=
94.189.204 .22:7777/?ch=&ea=
92.36.242 .47:7777/?ch=&ea=
77.78.197 .176:7777/?ch=&ea=
94.189.149 .231:7777/?ch=&ea=
89.138.102 .243:7777/?ch=&ea=
94.73.0 .211:7777/?ch=&ea=
79.175.101 .28:7777/?ch=&ea=
78.1.251 .26:7777/?ch=&ea=
201.236.228 .38:7777/?ch=&ea=
85.250.190 .55:7777/?ch=&ea=
211.109.46 .32:7777/?ch=&ea=
91.148.159 .174:7777/?ch=&ea=
87.68.71 .34:7777/?ch=&ea=
85.94.106 .240:7777/?ch=&ea=
195.91.82 .18:7777/?ch=&ea=
85.101.167 .197:7777/?ch=&ea=
193.198.167 .249:7777/?ch=&ea=
94.69.130 .191:7777/?ch=&ea=
79.131.26 .192:7777/?ch=&ea=
190.224.189 .24:7777/?ch=&ea=

119.234.7 .230:7777/?ch=&ea=
199.203.37 .250:7777/?ch=&ea=
89.142.181 .226:7777/?ch=&ea=
84.110.120 .82:7777/?ch=&ea=
119.234.7 .230:7777/?ch=&ea=
84.110.253 .163:7777/?ch=&ea=
82.81.163 .40:7777/?ch=&ea=
79.179.249 .218:7777/?ch=&ea=
190.224.189 .24:7777/?ch=&ea=
79.179.249 .218:7777/?ch=&ea=
87.239.160 .132:7777/?ch=&ea=
79.113.8 .107:7777/?ch=&ea=
81.18.54 .6:7777/?ch=&ea=
118.169 .173.101:7777/?ch=&ea=
85.216.158 .209:7777/?ch=&ea=
219.92.170 .4:7777/?ch=&ea=
79.130.252 .204:7777/?ch=&ea=
93.136.53 .239:7777/?ch=&ea=
62.0.134 .79:7777/?ch=&ea=
79.138.184 .253:7777/?ch=&ea=
173.16.68 .18:7777/?ch=&ea=
190.155.56 .212:7777/?ch=&ea=
190.20.68 .136:7777/?ch=&ea=
119.235.96 .173:7777/?ch=&ea=
77.127.81 .103:7777/?ch=&ea=
190.132.155 .122:7777/?ch=&ea=
89.138.177 .91:7777/?ch=&ea=

79.178.111 .25:7777/?ch=&ea=
84.109.1 .15:7777/?ch=&ea=
89.0.157. 1:7777/?ch=&ea=
122.53.176 .43:7777/?ch=&ea=
200.77.63 .190:7777/?ch=&ea=
67.225.102 .105:7777/?ch=&ea=
119.94.171 .114:7777/?ch=&ea=
125.212.94 .80:7777/?ch=&ea=

Detection rate for the binary, identical across all infected hosts participating :
flash_update.exe (Win32/Koobface!generic; Win32.Worm.Koobface.W)
Detection rate : 28/38 (73.69%)
File size: 27136 bytes
MD5...: 3071f71fc14ba590ca73801e19e8f66d
SHA1..: 2f80a5b2575c788de1d94ed1e8005003f1ca004d

Koobface's social networks spreading model isn't going away, but it's domains definitely are.

Related posts:
Dissecting the Latest Koobface Facebook Campaign
Fake YouTube Site Serving Flash Exploits
Facebook Malware Campaigns Rotating Tactics
Phishing Campaign Spreading Across Facebook
Large Scale MySpace Phishing Attack
Update on the MySpace Phishing Campaign
MySpace Phishers Now Targeting Facebook
MySpace Hosting MySpace Phishing Profiles

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Zeus Crimeware as a Service Going Mainstream

Since 100% transparency doesn't exist in any given market no matter how networked and open its stakeholders are, Cybecrime-as-a-Service (CaaS) in the underground marketplace went mainstream with the introduction of- the 76service -- now available in Winter and Spring editions -- followed by a flood of copycats monetizing commodity services on the foundations of proprietary underground tools.

Originally launched as an invite only service where only trusted individuals would be able to take advantage of the malicious economies of scale concept, in August, 2008 copycats ruined the proprietary model of the 76service by tweaking the service and converging it with web malware exploitation kits of their choice. The output? Near real-time access to freshly harvested financial data, which when combined with their aggressive price cutting once again lowers down the entry barriers into this underground market segment.

Start from the basics. Intellectual property theft in the underground marketplace has been a fact for over an year now, with proprietary web malware exploitation kits leaking to the average cybercriminals who after a brief process of re-branding and layout changing, include their very own copyright notice. Upon obtaining the kits for which they haven't a cent/eurocent, it would be fairly logical to assume that they can therefore charge as much as they want for offering on demand access to them, thereby undercutting the prices offered by the experienced market participants. IP theft in the underground marketplace equals a volume sales driven cash cow that messes up the basics of demand and supply that the experienced cybercriminals consciously or subconsciously follow.

Not only is IP theft a reality, but also, among the very latest Zeus crimeware for hire services is charging pocket money for extended periods of time :

"[Q] What is
[A] is a mix between the ZeuS Trojan and MalKit, A browser attack toolkit that will steal all information logged on the computer. After being redirected to the browser exploits, the zeus bot will be installed on the victims computer and start logging all outgoing connections.

[Q] How much does it cost?
[A] Hosting for costs $50 for 3 months. This includes the following:

# Fully set up ZeuS Trojan with configured FUD binary.
# Log all information via internet explorer
# Log all FTP connections
# Steal banking data
# Steal credit cards
# Phish US, UK and RU banks
# Host file override
# All other ZeuS Trojan features
# Fully set up MalKit with stats viewer inter graded.
# 10 IE 4/5/6/7 exploits
# 2 Firefox exploits
# 1 Opera exploit"

We also host normal ZeuS clients for $10/month.
This includes a fully set up zeus panel/configured binary

Think cybercriminals in order to anticipate cybercriminals. Would a potential cybercriminal purchase a crimeware kit for a couple of thousand dollars, when they can either rent a managed crimeware service, or even buy a gigabyte worth of stolen E-banking data for any chosen country, collected during the last 30 days? I doubt so, and factual evidence on the increasing number of such services confirms the trend - in 2009 anything cybercrime will be outsourceable.

Related posts:
Modified Zeus Crimeware Kit Gets a Performance Boost
Modified Zeus Crimeware Kit Comes With Built-in MP3 Player
Zeus Crimeware Kit Gets a Carding Layout
The Zeus Crimeware Kit Vulnerable to Remotely Exploitable Flaw
Crimeware in the Middle - Zeus

Related underground marketplace posts:
Will Code Malware for Financial Incentives
Coding Spyware and Malware for Hire
Malware as a Web Service
The Underground Economy's Supply of Goods and Services
The Dynamics of the Malware Industry - Proprietary Malware Tools
Using Market Forces to Disrupt Botnets
Multiple Firewalls Bypassing Verification on Demand
Managed Spamming Appliances - The Future of Spam
Inside a Managed Spam Service
Dissecting a Managed Spamming Service
Segmenting and Localizing Spam Campaigns
Localizing Cybercrime - Cultural Diversity on Demand 
Localizing Cybercrime - Cultural Diversity on Demand Part Two

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Rock Phish-ing in December

Nothing can warm up the heart of a security researcher better than a batch of currently active Rock Phish domains, fast-fluxing by using U.S based malware  infected hosts as infrastructure provider. What is this assessment of currently active Rock Phish campaign aiming to achieve? In short, prove that the people that were Rock Phish-ing at the beginning of the year, are exactly the same people that continue Rock Phish-ing at the end of the year, thereby pointing out that as long as they're not where they're supposed to be, they are not going to stop innovating and working on a higher average online time for their campaigns.

What's particularly interesting about this campaign, is that compared to previous ones targeting multiple brands, the thousands of malware infected hosts and domains are targeting Alliance & Leicester and Abbey National only.

Active Rock Phish Domains in fast-flux :
stgsfw7sr .com
q06ciwt60 .com
jnlyf96v4 .com
neegzlh35 .com
7azwmrsg5 .com
pn3ekq976 .com
2coxi8sb6 .com
d8ri1iz5d .com

ki7wvgauf .com
5nt5r3keh .com
5nt29884j .com
bgoryomek .com
a725jv8ik .com
fke5nnp8m .com
stgsfw7sr .com
10c0ka49t .com
zp304ju3z .com
j0rykafwn .cn
2j1f .net

confirm-updates .com
paypal.confirm-updates .com
user-data-confirmation .com
paypal.user-data-confirmation .com
capitalone.updating-informations .com

Sample sub-domain structure : .com .com .com .com .com .com .com .com .com .com .com .com .com

DNS servers for the campaigns :
ns1.thecherrydns .com
ns2.thecherrydns .com
ns3.thecherrydns .com
ns4.thecherrydns .com
ns5.thecherrydns .com
ns6.thecherrydns .com

ns10.realgoodnameserver .com
ns1.realgoodnameserver .com
rens2.realgoodnameserver .com
rns3.realgoodnameserver .com
ns4.realgoodnameserver .com
ns8.realgoodnameserver .com

ns6.myboomdns .com
ns4.myboomdns .com

Domains registrant :
Name : Pan Wei wei
Organization : Pan Wei wei
Address : BaoChun Rd. 27, No. 3, 1F, Apt. 1903
City : Bejing
Province/State : Beijing
Country : CN
Postal Code : 100176
Phone Number : 010-010-58022118-58022118
Fax : 86-010-58022118-58022118
Email :

These well known Rock Phish campaigners, have been naturally multitasking on several different underground fronts throughout the year. For instance, their 2j1f .net is known to have been hosting money mule company's site, and also, it was used in a previously analyzed phishing campaign that was spreading across Facebook in June. Need more evidence on the consolidation that's been ongoing for over an year and half now? An infamous money mule recruiting company (Cash-Transfers Inc.) was also taking advantage of the fast-flux network offered by the ASProx botnet masters in July.

As a firm believer in that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts", the popular "sitting duck" cybercrime infrastructure hosting model will be either replaced by a cybercrime infrastructure relying entirely on legitimate services, or one where the average malware infected Internet user would be temporarily used as a hosting provider.

If millions were made by using the "sitting duck" hosting model, how many would be made using the others, given that they would inevitably increase the average online time for a malicious campaign?

Related Rock Phish research :
209 Host Locked
209.1 Host Locked
66.1 Host Locked
Confirm Your Gullibility
Assessing a Rock Phish Campaign

Related fast-flux research :
Fast-Flux Spam and Scams Increasing
Fast Fluxing Yet Another Pharmacy Scam
Storm Worm's Fast Flux Networks
Managed Fast Flux Provider
Managed Fast Flux Provider - Part Two
Obfuscating Fast Fluxed SQL Injected Domains
Storm Worm Hosting Pharmaceutical Scams
Fast-Fluxing SQL injection attacks executed from the Asprox botnet

Yet Another Web Malware Exploitation Kit in the Wild

With business-minded malicious attackers embracing basic marketing practices like branding, it is becoming increasingly harder, if not pointless to keep track of all XYZ-Packs currently in circulation. How come? Due to their open source nature allowing modifications, claiming copyright over the modified and re-branded kit, the source code of core web malware exploitation kits continue representing the foundation source code for each and every newly released kit.

In fact, the practice is becoming so evident, that anecdotal evidence in the form of monitoring ongoing communications between sellers and buyers reveals actual attempts of intellectual property enforcement in the form of  exchange of flames between an author of a original kit, and a newly born author who seems to have copied over 80% of his source code, changed the layout, re-branded it, added several more exploits and started pitching it as the most exclusive kit there is available in the underground marketplace.

What's new about this particular kit anyway? Changed iframe and js obfuscation techniques, doesn't require MySQL to run, with several modified Adobe Acrobat and Flash exploits - all patched and publicly obtainable. This is precisely where the marketing pitch ends for the majority of malware kits released during the last quarter.

As always, there are noticable exceptions to the common wisdom that time-to-underground market isn't allowing them to innovate, but thankfully, these exceptions aren't yet going mainstream. What is going to change in the upcoming 2009? Web malware exploitation kits are slowly maturing into multi-user cybercrime platforms, where traffic management coming from the SQL injected or malware embedded sites is automatically exploited with access to the infected hosts or to the traffic volume in general offered for sale under a flat rate, or on a volume basis.

Converging traffic management with drive-by exploitation and offering the output for sale, all from a single web interface, is precisely what malicious economies of scale is all about.

Related posts:
Cybercriminals release Christmas themed web malware exploitation kit
New Web Malware Exploitation Kit in the Wild
Modified Zeus Crimeware Kit Gets a Performance Boost 
Zeus Crimeware Kit Gets a Carding Layout
Web Based Malware Emphasizes on Anti-Debugging Features
Copycat Web Malware Exploitation Kit Comes with Disclaimer
Web Based Malware Eradicates Rootkits and Competing Malware
Two Copycat Web Malware Exploitation Kits in the Wild
Copycat Web Malware Exploitation Kits are Faddish
Web Based Botnet Command and Control Kit 2.0
BlackEnergy DDoS Bot Web Based
A New DDoS Malware Kit in the Wild
The Small Pack Web Malware Exploitation Kit
The Nuclear Grabber Kit
The Apophis Kit
Nuclear Malware Kit
The Random JS Malware Exploitation Kit
Metaphisher Malware Kit Spotted in the Wild

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Fourteen

You didn't even think for a second that the supply of typosqutted domains serving packed and triple crypted to the point where the binary is not longer executing, fake security software domains is declining? With the upcoming holidays and the usual peak of web traffic, malicious activity on all fronts is prone to increase during December. YEWGATE LTD, Sawert Alliance, and Sagent Group, personal favorites affiliate participants in a revenue sharing program for serving fake security software, try to maintain a decent rhythm in their typosquatting process, always worth taking a peek at. The very latest rogue security software additions include :

micro-antiv2009 .com (
micro-antivir2009 .com
micro-antivirus-2009 .com
micro-av-2009 .com

Sawert Alliance
Peltonen Martti
33 New Road, Upper Flat
Belize City
Tel: +7.9602578790

avmyscan .com (;
go-your-scan .com
bestproscan .com
avproscan .com
goyourscan .com
iabestscan .com
avmyscan .com
best-scan-pro .com
avscan-pro .com
bestscanner-pro .com
avscanpro .com
iascannerpro .com

Jaroslav Voltz
Organization: Private person
Address: Biskupsk 9
City: Praha
State: Praha
ZIP: 11000
Country: CZ
Phone: +420.2224811382

virus-labs2009 .com (
virus-trigger .com
virusresponse2009 .com
virusresplab .com
virus-response .com

Roman Spitsikov
Uus-Sadama 12 
Tallinn, Tallinn 10120

virusremover2008plus .com (;

Sagent Group  (
Brignal Solutions
P.O. Box 3469 Geneva Place, Waterfront drive
Road town,   BVI
+1.14193017015 (

Aleksey Kononov
+74954538435 fax: +74954538435
ul. Yakimanskay 34-56
Moskva Moskovskay oblast 112745

rapidantivir .com (
rapidantivirus-2009 .com
securityscanner2009 .com
rapidantivirus2009 .com
rapid-antivir .com
extraantivir .com
rapid-antivirus .com
rapidantivirus .com

Sawert Alliance
Peltonen Martti
33 New Road, Upper Flat
Belize City
Tel: +7.9602578790

sgscanner .com (
sguardscan .com
scansguard .com
getsg2008 .com

Vrenk Tihomil
Organization: Private person
Address: Kolodvorska 73, Sl3270 Lasko
City: Lasko
State: LaskoLasko
ZIP: Sl1355
Country: SI
Phone: +386.14588324

adwaredeluxe .com ( (private whois)
antivirusadvanced .com
antivirusadvance .com
spydestroy .com
spywareremoval .ws

Shipping them in batches means exposing them in batches.

Related posts:
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Thirteen
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Twelve
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Eleven
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Ten
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Nine
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Eight
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Seven
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Six
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Five
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Four
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Three
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Two
Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Localizing Cybercrime - Cultural Diversity on Demand Part Two

It's where you advertise your services, and how you position yourself that speak for your intentions, of course, "between the lines". There's a common misunderstanding that in order for a malware campaigner or scammer to launch a localized attack speaking the native language of their potential victims, they need to speak the local language. This misconception is largely based on the fact that a huge number of people remain unaware on how core strategic business practices have been in operation across the cybercrime underground for the last couple of years.

Outsourcing the localization process (translation services for spam/phishing/malware campaigns) has been happening for a while, courtsy of DIY servics ensuring complete anonymity of their customers. Interestingly, the translators may in fact be unaware that the advertising channels the service is using is directly attracting everyone from the bottom to the top of the cybercriminal food chain as a customer. Sometimes, it's services like this that open a new market segment covering an untapped opportunity, with this particular service already pointing out that it's charging cheaper than their competitors.

"We offer our services in translation. We are only competent translators profile higher education. Service is working with all types of texts. Languages available at this time of Russian, English, German. Average translation of the text takes up to 10 hours (usually much faster) through the full automation of the order and payment. Just want to note that we do not keep any logs on IP and does not require registration. In addition you can remove your order from the database after his execution. In addition to running more than 1000 translations already, we can use all the lessons learned to be more effective in our services. Prices vary depending on the complexity of the topic covered.

Prices and deadlines:
* Standard - the deadline is not more than 24 hours. Prices depend on the direction and guidance from the 'Order'. 

* Term - work on your translation begins precedence. The price of the 50% more than the standard translation. Prices also depend on the direction and guidance from the 'Order'.

The cost of the transfer depends on the amount of work. The workload is measured in symbols. In calculating the characters are shown letters and numbers. Punctuation do not count. Minimum order 100 characters.

I'm particularly curious how is a contractor(translator) going to react to a situation when a large scale malware campaign speaking several different languages tell a fake story that the contractor might have recently translated for them. With the employer positioning itself as a fully legitimate company, whereas its customers requesting localized version of texts for the spam/phishing/malware campaigns are the "usual suspects", the contractors would continue allowing cybercriminals the opportunity to build more authenticity within their campaigns.

Related posts:
E-crime and Socioeconomic Factors
MPack and IcePack Localized to Chinese
The Icepack Exploitation Kit Localized to French
The FirePack Exploitation Kit Localized to Chinese
Localizing Open Source Malware
Localized Fake Security Software
A Localized Bankers Malware Campaign
Lonely Polina's Secret (Localized malware campaign)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The DDoS Attack Against

When you get the "privilege" of getting DDoS-ed by a high profile DDoS for hire service used primarily by cybercriminals attacking other cybercriminals, you're officially doing hell of a good job exposing money laundering scams.

The attached screenshot demonstrates how even the relatively more sophisticated counter surveillance approaches taken by a high profile DDoS for hire service can be, and were in fact bypassed, ending up in a real-time peek at how they've dedicated 4 out of their 10 BlackEnergy botnets to Bobbear exclusively.

Perhaps for the first time ever, I come across a related DoS service offered by the very same vendor - insider sabotage on demand given they have their own people in a particular company/ISP in question. Makes you think twice before considering a minor network glitch what could easily turn into a coordinated insider attack requested by a third-party. Moreover, now that I've also established the connection between this DDoS for hire service and one of the command and control locations (all active and online) of one of the botnets used in the Russia vs Georgia cyberattack, the concept of engineering cyber warfare tensions once again proves to be a fully realistic one.

Related posts:
A U.S military botnet in the works
DDoS Attack Graphs from Russia vs Georgia's Cyberattacks
Botnet on Demand Service
OSINT Through Botnets
Corporate Espionage Through Botnets
The DDoS Attack Against
A New DDoS Malware Kit in the Wild
Electronic Jihad v3.0 - What Cyber Jihad Isn't

New Web Malware Exploitation Kit in the Wild

Oops, they keep doing it, again and again - trying to cash-in on the biased exclusiveness of web malware exploitation kits in general, which when combined with active branding is supposed to make them rich. However, despite the low price of $300 in this particular case, this copycat kit is once again lacking any signification differentiation factors besides perhaps the 20+ exploits targeting Opera and Internet Explorer included within.

Marketed for novice users, despite lacking any key features worth being worried about, it's still managing to maintain a steady infection rate of unpatched Opera browsers. Such statistics obtained in an OSINT fashion always provide a realistic perspective on publicly known facts, like the one where millions of end users continue getting exploited due to their overall misunderstanding of today's threatscape driven by the ubiquitous web exploitation kits. 

Related posts:
Modified Zeus Crimeware Kit Gets a Performance Boost 
Zeus Crimeware Kit Gets a Carding Layout
Web Based Malware Emphasizes on Anti-Debugging Features
Copycat Web Malware Exploitation Kit Comes with Disclaimer
Web Based Malware Eradicates Rootkits and Competing Malware
Two Copycat Web Malware Exploitation Kits in the Wild
Copycat Web Malware Exploitation Kits are Faddish
Web Based Botnet Command and Control Kit 2.0
BlackEnergy DDoS Bot Web Based
A New DDoS Malware Kit in the Wild
The Small Pack Web Malware Exploitation Kit
The Nuclear Grabber Kit
The Apophis Kit
Nuclear Malware Kit
The Random JS Malware Exploitation Kit
Metaphisher Malware Kit Spotted in the Wild

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Will Code Malware for Financial Incentives

A couple of hundred dollars can indeed get you state of the art undetectable piece of malware with post-purchase service in the form of automatic lower detection rate for sure, but what happens when the vendors of such releases start vertically integrating just like everyone else, and start offering OS-independent spamming, flooding, modifications and tweaking of popular crimeware kits in the very same fashion? The quality assurance process gets centralized into the hands of experienced programmers that have been developing cybercrime facilitating tools for years.

It's interesting to monitor the pricing schemes that they implement. For instance, the modularity of a particular malware, that is the additional functions that a buyer may want or not want, increase or decrease the price respectively. Others, tend to leave the price open topic by only mentioning the starting price for their services and they increasing it again in open topic fashion.

Let's take look at some recently advertised (translated) "malware coding for hire" propositions, highlighting some of the latest developments in their pricing strategies :

Proposition 1 :
"Programs and scripts under the following categories are accepted :
grabbers; spamming tools for forums, spamming tools for social networking sites, modifications of admin panels for (popular crimeware kits), phishing pages

Platform: software running on MAC OS to Windows
Multitasking: have the capacity to work on multiple projects
Speed and responsibility: at the highest level
Pre-payment for new customers: 50% of the whole price, 30% pre-pay of the whole price for repreated customers
Support: Paid
Rates: starting from 100 euros

If, after speaking ultimate price, you decide to add to your order something else - the price change. Prepare the job immediately, which will understand what to do and how much it will cost you, if you have any suggestions for a price, then lays them immediately and not after the work is completed. If you order something that requires parsing your logs, and their continued use, you agree to provide "a significant portion of the logs, so that after putting the project did not raise misunderstandings due to the fact that some logs are no longer "fresh", because of their "uniqueness". In this case, for the finalization of the project will be charged an additional fee."

This is an example of an "open topic pricing scheme" with the vendor offering the possibility to code the malware or the tool for any price above 100 euro based on what he perceives as features included within worth the price.

Proposition 2:
"Starting price for my malware is 250 EUR. Additional modules like P2P features, source code for a particular module go for an additional 50 EUR. If you're paying in another currency the price is 200 GBP or 395 dollars. I sell only ten copies of the builder so hurry up. The trading process is simple - a password protected file with the malware is sent to you so you can see the files inside. You then sent the money and I mail you back the password. If you don't like this way you lose. 

I can also offer you another deal, I will share the complete source code in exchange to access to a botnet with at least 4000 infected hosts because I don't have time to play around with me bot right now.

This proposition is particularly interesting because the seller is introducing basic understanding of exchange rates, but most of all because he's in fact offering a direct bargain in the form of access to a botnet in exchange for a complete source code of his malware bot. Both propositions are also great examples that vendors engage by keeping their current and potential customers up-to-date with TODO lists of features to come next to the usual CHANGELOGS, and, of course,  establish trust by allowing potential customers to take a peek at the source code of the malware they're about to purchase.

Related posts:
Coding Spyware and Malware for Hire
The Underground Economy's Supply of Goods and Services
The Dynamics of the Malware Industry - Proprietary Malware Tools
Using Market Forces to Disrupt Botnets
Multiple Firewalls Bypassing Verification on Demand
Managed Spamming Appliances - The Future of Spam
Localizing Cybercrime - Cultural Diversity on Demand
E-crime and Socioeconomic Factors
Russia's FSB vs Cybercrime
Malware as a Web Service
Localizing Open Source Malware
Quality and Assurance in Malware Attacks
Benchmarking and Optimising Malware

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Embassy of Brazil in India Compromised

Only an amateur or unethical competition would embedd malicious links at the Embassy of Brazil in India's site, referencing their online community. With the chances of an Embassy involvement into the fake antivirus software industry close to zero, let's assess the attack that took place.

The compromise is a great example of a mixed use of pure malicious domains in a combination with compromised legitimate ones and on purposely registered accounts at free web space providers, hosting the blackhat SEO content. However, digging deeper we expose the entire malicious doorways ecosystem pushing PDF exploits, banker malware and Zlob variants. The malicious attackers embedded links to their blackhat SEO farms advertising fake security software, and also a link to a traffic redirection doorway

The active and redirecting traff .asia ( is currently serving a fake account suspended notice - "This account has been suspended. Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources." but is whatsoever redirecting us to antimalware09 .net. This particular traffic redirection doorway is actively redirecting us to a command and control server running a well known web malware exploitation kit which is currently serving PDF exploits.  

google-analyze .com/socket/index.php ( from where we're redirected to which is serving system.exe (Trojan-Spy.Win32.Zbot.ehk; Win32.TrojanSpy.Zbot.gen!C.5), and google-analyze .com/tracker/pdf.php (Exploit:Win32/Pdfjsc.G; Exploit.JS.Pdfka.w; Bloodhound.Exploit.196). Naturally, within the live exploit URLs there are multiple IFRAMEs redirecting us to more of this group's campaigns. google-analyze .com  has multiple IFRAMEs pointing to google-analystic .net (, yet another traffic redirection doorway further exposing their campaigns.

For instance, google-analystic .net/in.cgi?20 loads ( where google-analystic .net/in.cgi?8 is redirecting to /in.cgi?2 taking us to /25/2/ where we deobfuscate the javascript leading us to the exact location of the PDF exploit - /25/2/getfile.php?f=pdf. This is just for starters. google-analystic .net/in.cgi?9 redirects to mangust32 .cn/pod/index.php ( where they serve load.exe (Backdoor:Win32/Koceg.gen!A) at
mangust32 .cn/pod2/load.php and load.exe at mangust32 .cn/eto2/load.php, moreover, google-analystic .net/in.cgi?10 leads us to mmcounter .com/in.cgi?id194 ( a traffic management login which is no longer responding. The last IFRAME found within google-analystic points to busyhere .ru/in.cgi?pipka ( which redirects to beshragos .com/work/index.php ( where once we deobfuscate the script, we get to see the PDF exploit location /work/getfile.php?f=pdf.

What's contributing to the increase of PDF exploits durin the last month? It's an updated version of a web based malware exploitation tool, which despite the fact that it remains proprietary for the time being, will leak in the next couple of weeks causing the usual short-lived epidemic.

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The Dutch Embassy in Moscow Serving Malware
U.S Consulate in St. Petersburg Serving Malware
Syrian Embassy in London Serving Malware
French Embassy in Libya Serving Malware