Monday, August 19, 2019

g0t Bitcoin?

Dear blog readers, dare to take a moment of your precious time to check a venerable and recently proposed cyber security project investment including the opportunity to enter a Bold New World of Hacking and Information Security? Has the time come to set them straight? Keep reading.

Check out this Onion - http://lkzihepprlhxtvbutjedoazbsqd4avmifhpjms3zuq7itceiu4qajwad.onion/ and donate today!

Stay tuned!

Friday, August 02, 2019

Assessing the Recently Leaked FSB Contractor Data - A Peek Inside Russia's Understanding of Social Network Analysis and Tailored Access Operations

I've recently managed to obtain a copy of the recently leaked FSB contractor data courtesy of 0v1ru$ and "Digital Revolution" and I've decided to take a closer look including an in-depth overview and discussion of the leaked data in the context of today's modern-driven AI-powered automated OSINT technologies in the broader context of the U.S Intelligence Community in particular the utilization of rogue TOR exit nodes for the purpose of intercepting and harvesting TOR exit node data within the Russian Federation including social-network analysis data-mining and possible "lawful surveillance" and "lawful interception" including possible data collection type of Tailored Access Operation campaigns launched by "0day Technologies" and "SyTech".

Sample Company Logo:

Sample Company Logo:

Sample personal photos of the individuals behind "0day Technologies" and "SyTech":

Sample Screenshots of the User-Interface behind the "Lawful Surveillance" and "Lawful Interception":

Sample Screenshots of the Rogue and Bogus Tor-Exit-Node Research Project:

Sample URLs involved in the campaign:

Sample Telegram account involved in the campaign:

Sample Vkontakt account involved in the campaign:

Sample Twitter account involved in the campaign:

Sample URL known to have participated in the campaign:

Related URL of the currently leaked data:!3c0lTaLI!jVUS_O7Q0opCHUPYgK1E_w