The new scareware domains kjremover .info; lrxsoft .info - - Email: niclas@i.ua actually download it from the well known q2bf0fzvjb5ca .cn portfolio, which phones back to the same domains listed previously, with only a slight change in the filename - urodinam .net/8732489273.php. The generic detection rate for the updated components ( /bin/get.exe; /bin/v2webserver.exe) with get.exe phoning back to a domain parked at the takedown-proof, China-based, in particular gdehochesh .com/adm/index.php.
Just like Conficker, the Koobface botnet is no stranger to the scareware business model and the potential for monetization of the hundreds of thousands of infected hosts.
However, changes made in the campaign structure of the Koobface botnet during the last couple of days, indicate that the Koobface gang has embedded a pop-up at each and every host that's automatically rotation different scareware brands. They're now officially monetizing the botnet using a scareware business model.
Let's analyze the latest changes introduced by the Koobface gang over the last couple of days and emphasize on the monetization tactics introduced by the gang.

dangerWindAdr = popup.php loads on each and every Facebook spoof page part of the botnet and is then redirecting the most popular scareware template, the My computer Online Scan.

The second scareware domain pushed by the Koobface during the last 24 hours, gotrioscan .com/?uid=13301 - - momorule@gmail.com redirects to plazec .info/22/?uid=13301 - - Email: bebrashe@gmail.com where the scareware is served. Parked at the same IP is the rest of thescareware domains portfolio pushed by Koobface:
in5ch .com
goscanback .com
goscanlook .com
gofatescan .com
goeachscan .com
gobackscan .com
goironscan .com
gotrioscan .com
ia-pro .com
iantivirus-pro .com
iantiviruspro .com
windoptimizer .com
woptimizer .com
in5cs .com
wopayment .com
in5st .com
zussia .info

gaudad .info
voided .info
gelded .info
tithed .info
botled .info
tented .info
fatted .info
unowed .info
wzand .info
searce .info
prarie .info
meyrie .info
pittie .info
penvie .info
figgle .info
sawme .info
droope .info
haere .info
scarre .info
undeaf .info
adjudg .info
wiving .info
slatch .info

dolchi .info
sighal .info
devicel .info
knivel .info
freckl .info
scrowl .info
usicam .info
spelem .info
vagrom .info
numben .info
speen .info
krapen .info
atwain .info
declin .info
inclin .info
unclin .info
towton .info
grumio .info
stampo .info
extrip .info
benber .info
kedder .info
erpeer .info
argier .info
fulier .info
lavyer .info
inquir .info
orodes .info
faites .info
beeves .info
quoifs .info
filths .info
broths .info
nevils .info
swoons .info
sallat .info
apalet .info

camlet .info
plamet .info
hownet .info
fosset .info
cuplift .info
raught .info
holdit .info
unroot .info
unwept .info
anmast .info
ticedu .info
outliv .info
onclew .info
froday .info
mayray .info
tenshy .info
steepy .info
miloty .info
debuty .info
fifthz .info
potinz .info
caretz .info
narowz .info

The third phone back location is a direct download attempt of FraudTool.Win32.SecretService; RogueAntiSpyware.PrivacyCenter.AJ from 0ni9o1s3feu60 .cn/u4.exe - It's pretty evident that the Koobface botnet is now relying on multiple layers of monetization approaches.
The Koobface gang has been pretty during the last couple of days. The following list of Koobface malware spreading domains are in circulation across social networking sites since the last 48 hours, consisting of a combination of purely malicious and compromised legitimate sites:
3sss .com/youtube.com
4bond .it/youtube.com
ac2j .com/freeem0vies
aced1979 .freehostia.com/y0urfi1m
alexandrialocksmith .net/uncens0redvide0
alpha.kei .pl/amalzlngfi1ms
alruwaithy .com/extrlmeperf0rmans
astoundeddesign .com/privaledem0nstrati0n
awwfuck .me/fuunnyacti0n
baddog.me .uk/uncens0redc1ip
bbckzoo .com/extrlmedwd
bbckzoo .com/mmyperf0rmans
be. la/freeefi1ms
bencaputoprinting .com/c00lfi1m
bicentenario.sc49 .info/mmyfi1m
bighornrivercabins .com/c00lvlds
biskopsto .fo/fantasticm0vie
bloch-data .dk/c00lvlds
bokongerslev .dk/amalzlngm0vie
bokongerslev .dk/extrlmeacti0n
book-dalmose .dk/extrlmeperf0rmans
campionariadigalatina .it/youtube.com
carlamo .com/extrlmec1ip
centerforyourhealth .com/extrlmem0vies
centralbaptist.org .au/fantasticvide0
certtiletechs .com/fuunnym0vies
cisaimpianti .net/youtube.com
claykelley .net/extrlmevlds
claykelley .net/mmyvide0
clubatleticigualada .com/y0urc1ip
connoro .com/bestsh0w
consignbuydesign .com/fuunnyttube
dkflyt .dk/mmytw
downingfarms .com/bestacti0n
eminfinity.com .au/amalzlngc1ips
eminfinity.com .au/uncens0redsh0w
endurancesportscar .com/extrlmem0vies
epicent .dk/pub1icfi1m
evaracollin .be/mmyfi1ms
exceleronmedical .com/amalzlngc1ips
exceleronmedical .com/c00lperf0rmans
exceleronmedical .com/privalettube/?youtube.com
finolog .com/privalem0vie
fitslim .com/fantasticdem0nstrati0n
gacogop .org/fuunnyc1ips
gamlabodens .se/privaletw
garagedoorsnow .com/meggadem0nstrati0n
garlicworld .com/mmym0vie
garlicworld .com/uncens0redperf0rmans
gcillustration .com/extrlmevide0
germanamericantax .com/pub1icm0vie
happyholidaychristmastrees .com/uncens0redperf0rmans
horaexata.com .br/c00lc1ip
huffmanfarms .com/fantasticfi1ms
imagequest360 .com/fantasticm0vies
inartdesigns .com/extrlmevide0
interception .dk/mmyttube
kalender.sttmedia .se/amalzlngdem0nstrati0n
kartingclubsourdsnamur .be/besttw
kiding.users.digital-crocus .com/mmym0vies
kloerfem .dk/amalzlngsh0w
kracl .com/freeesh0w
kreativdizajn .com/amalzlngvlds
ktvsongs .com/pub1icacti0n
lonestargcs .com/mmydwd
losangelesfurniture .com/fantasticdem0nstrati0n
lr-online .dk/c00lfi1ms
lr-online .dk/y0ursh0w
marketmarkj .com/privalem0vies
martinhorngren .com/privalettube
meetingpacket .com/youtube.com
microscoop .net/fantasticttube
momentsbypat .com/pub1icm0vie
mtn-ejendomme .dk/mmyacti0n

naestved-sportscollege .dk/amalzlngacti0n
nicalandnow .com/uncens0redvlds
odyssey-consultants .com/amalzlngvide0
odyssey-consultants .com/mmym0vie
onlyfun .se/extrlmec1ip
pridesoccer .com/privalec1ips
quicksilver-direct .com/amalzlngfi1m
reddoorchina .com/mmyvlds
relivery .com/extrlmesh0w
ristorocasanova .it/youtube.com
sanfranciscocookie .com/fantasticfi1ms
sarkos .ch/fuunnyperf0rmans
saudiclubs .org/fantasticvlds
sauipeswimwear .com/c00lm0vie
schoolofhiphop .no/freeefi1ms
senegalinfoservices .com/bestacti0n
squashigualada .com/extrlmevlds
starcraftdream .com/fuunnyvlds
stm.frihost .org/freeefi1m
stringer .no/uncens0redacti0n
sttmedia .se/fantastictw
taia.com .br/uncens0reddwd
thefurniturewarehouse .net/mmym0vies
theidusshop .com/pub1ictw
thepinflow .com/meggash0w
thorsen-meyer .dk/bestc1ips
tivity .dk/amalzlngm0vie
tivity .dk/fantasticfi1ms
tizianamaniezzo .com/fantasticc1ips
tohva .org/bestacti0n
troop270 .nwsc.org/fuunnydwd
txmurphys .com/c00lfi1m
tybjerglillebakkervand .dk/privalem0vie
vagnpfisk .dk/privalem0vie
vivaipirovano .com/youtube.com
xanchise .com/c00lc1ip
yurafting .com/amalzlngvlds
Sampled Koobface binary now phones back to bianca.trinityonline .biz/.sys/?action=ldgen&v=14 and bianca.trinityonline .biz/.sys/?action=ldgen&a=590837698&v=14&l=1000&c_fb=0&c_ms=0&c_hi=0&c_tw=0&c_be=0&c_tg=0&c_nl=0. - Email: email@darrenjames.net, with the latest Koobfae update modules detected as follows - /bin/v2prx.exe; /bin/pp.12.exe
The "Koobface botnet and the 40 cybercriminals" (2008 ali baba and 40 , LLC) have not just started monetizing the infected hosts, they're using multiple layers of monetization to do so.
Related posts:
Movement on the Koobface Front - Part Two
Movement on the Koobface Front
Koobface - Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
Dissecting Koobface Worm's Twitter Campaign
Dissecting the Koobface Worm's December Campaign
Dissecting the Latest Koobface Facebook Campaign
The Koobface Gang Mixing Social Engineering Vectors
This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog.