"Is the first program of the Islamic multicast security across networks. It represents the highest level of technical multicast encrypted but far superior. All communications software, which are manufactured by major companies in the world so that integrates all services communications encrypted in the small-sized portable. Release I of the "secrets of the mujahideen" the bulletin brothers in the International Islamic Front and the media have registered so scoop qualitatively in the field of information and jihadist exploit the opportunity to thank them for their wonderful and distinctive. And the continuing support of a media jihadist group loyalty in the technical development of a network of Islamic loyalty program and the issuance of this version, in support of the mujahideen general and the Islamic State of Iraq in particular."

-- Encryption algorithms using the best five in cryptography. (AES finalist algorithms)
-- Symmetrical encryption keys along the 256-bit (Ultra Strong Symmetric Encryption)
-- Encryption keys for symmetric length of 2048-bit RSA (husband of a public key and private)
-- Pressure data ROM (the highest levels of pressure)
-- Keys and encryption algorithms changing technology ghost (Stealthy Cipher)
-- Automatic identification algorithm encryption during decoding (Cipher Auto-detection)
-- Program consisting of one file Facility file does not need assistance to install and can run from the memory portable
-- Scanning technology security for the files to be cleared with the impossibility of retrieving files (Files Shredder)
-- Multicast encrypted via text messages supporting the immediate use forums (Secure Messaging)
-- Transfer files of all kinds to be shared across texts forums (Files to Text Encoding)
-- Production of digital signature files and make sure it is correct
-- Digital signature of messages and files and to ensure the authenticity of messages and files
"The efficacy of the new Arabic-language software to ensure secure e-mail and other communications could not be immediately gauged. But some security experts had warned that the wide distribution of its earlier version among Islamists and Arabic-speaking hackers could prove significant. Al Qaeda supporters widely use the Internet to spread the group's statements through hundreds of Islamist sites where anyone can post messages. Al Qaeda-linked groups also set up their own sites, which frequently have to move after being shut by Internet service providers."

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