Managed fast-fluxing is only starting to go mainstream, for instance, in July I found evidence that money mule recruiters were using ASProx's infected hosts as hosting infrastructure, and in November, 2007, an infamous spamming software vendor was also found to have been offering fast-flux services in the past.
In this most recent fast-flux service, we have a known spammer and botnet master that in between self-serving himself on is way to ensure his portfolio of scammy domains remains online for a "little longer", is commercializing fast-fluxing and is offered a DIY service :
"Finally after hardwork and great appreciation from our normal bullet proof hosting/server clients we are able to launch Mirrored hosting. What is Mirrored hosting ?
Mirrored hosting is a powerful mirrored web hosting management, uses multiple Virtual servers to host website with 100% uptime. Mirrored hosting is a combination of two things, which are:
1. Specially Designed Virtual Servers
2. Powerful Automated Control Panel
How does it work ?
Mirrored hosting uses specially configured Virtual Servers making them link with the Mirrored hosting Control Panel which is then controlled by our own control panel allowing us to provide smooth streamline hosting with no downtime. No one is able to trace original IP of the server or the place where the files are hosted so the websites/domains hosted have a 100% Uptime. This is achieved by unique customisation of our Virtual Servers.
Actually, it takes ips around the world and our powerful control panel just rotates the ips every 15 minutes. though all these ips you will see will be fake no one can trace the orignal ip where files are hosted. Sometimes the ip is from China, Korea, USA, UK, Japan, Lithuania etc."
The concept has always been there for cybercriminals to take advantage of, but once it matures into a managed service it would undoubtedly lower down the entry barriers allowing yesterday's average phishers to take advantage of what only the "pros" were used to.
Related posts:
Storm Worm's Fast Flux Networks
Managed Fast Flux Provider
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Obfuscating Fast Fluxed SQL Injected Domains
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