"The official website of the Goa government’s Department of Information and Publicity (DoIP) - goainformation.org - was hacked by a group of Turkish militants on Saturday. The hacker has not only defaced the website, replacing all information with the group’s propaganda material in Turkish language, but also posted some gory pictures of slain terrorists. The DoIP has now lodged a complaint with the Panjim Police and the Panjim crime branch is investigating the matter."
The campaign is aiming to send a PSYOPS signal to the rest of the world regarding the recent tensions between Turkey's military operations in northern Iraq against PKK, an action the U.S doesn't seem to enjoy at all. Some sample defaced sites are savymedia.com; itrit.com; sledderforever.com; pssoc.org; youthblood.org; prisonministry.com. The defacers are sending the following message :
"The United States of America who is feeding on and strengthening behind closed doors the universal terrorists, is the greatest terrorist country. pkk/kadek/hpg/kkk is the world's most bloody and brutal terrorism group. They killed approximately 35.000 innocent people without any cruel till now. All the nations and states must know which are supporting these bloody and brutal terrorism groups, supporting terrorism will brings suffer and deathness. We are always be a side of peace. but we have always some words to say these terrorists "which" wants to seperate us and kill innocent people"
Moreover, Turkish hacktivists from another group have also been active recently by defacing the Assyrian Academic Society, Assyrian actress and author Rosie Malek-Yonan's site, and International Campaign to Support the Christians of Iraq petition's site. Three other Turkish hacktivists are also currently defacing under the handles of NusreT, MUSTAFAGAZI, and Storm, using the same defacement templates. The first group is reachable at a closed forum turkmilliyetcileri.org, and the second at turkittifak.org. Apparently, these groups are all under the umbrella of the Turkish Republican Hackers group.
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