The following service is offering the possibility for CAPTCHA decoding on a per web service basis, and enticing future customers by providing percentage of accuracy, the price, and the ease of difficulty of breaking it. CAPTCHA decoding is listed for the following services : 9you, tiancity, cncard, the9, kingsoft, taobao, dvbbs, shanda, csdn, chinaren, monter, and baidu. The hardest to break CAPTCHAs mentioned are those of Yahoo, Hotmail, QQ, Google. Moreover, Ticketmaster's the most expensive one, followed by Ebay's CAPTCHA decoding process.
What happens when malicious parties cannot directly decode the CAPTCHA? They figure out ways to adapt to the situation, namely by enjoying the benefits of the human factor in the process while sacrificing some of the efficiency, but continuing to achieve their objective.
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