That seems to be the case with the CPanel of the Bang Bros network of adult web sites, the accounting data for which was obtained through a botnet in which the administrator seems to have been unknowingly participating in. None of the sites have been embedded with malware so far, however, taking into consideration the high traffic this adult network attracts as well as the fact that he person managing the domains portfolio is part of a botnet, that may change pretty fast.

And whereas for the time being, propositions for selling compromised CPanel accounts are mostly random, in the long term, fueled by the demand for compromised domains, we may witness the emergence of yet another market segment in the underground economy, with price ranges based on the pagerank of the domain in question, the type of browsers and the traffic sources visiting it. Until then, SQL injections through search engines reconnaissance executed through a botnet, will remain the efficient tactic of choice for abusing legitimate domains as redirectors to malicious ones.
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