Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Seventeen

The following are some of the currently active/about to go online rogue security software domains, and their associated payment gateways exposed in the spirit of the Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software series. During the past two months, an obvious migration of well known Russian Business Network customers continues taking place, with their portfolios of malicious campaigns currently parked several ISPs. zlkon.lv (DATORU EXPRESS SERVISS Ltd (AS12553 PCEXPRESS-AS) remaining the ISP of choice for the time being, in the context of rogue security software.

mydwnld .com (;;
desktoprepairpackage .com
malwareremovingtool .com
spywareprotectiontool .com
pcantimalwaresolution .com

pcsolutionshelp .com
removespywarethreats .com

yournetcheckonline .com (
bestnetcheckonline .com
easynetcheckonline .com
yourwebexamine .com
bestwebexamine .com
easywebexamine .com
yourinternetexamine .com
myinternetexamine .com
linkcanlive .com
yourwebscanlive .com
easywebscanlive .com
internethomecheck .com
websecurecheck .com
websportscheck .com
websmartcheck .com
yournetascertain .com
yournetcheckpro .com
bestwebscanpro .com
security-check-center .com
downloadantivirusplus .com
theantivirusplus .com
myantivirusplus .com
safeyouthnet .com
av-plus-support .com

antispywareproupdates .com ( Jeanne M Bartels Email: dev@angelespd.com
microsoft.infosecuritycenter .com
microsoft.softwaresecurityhelp .com
professionalupdateservice .com
platinumsecurityupdate .com
platinumsecurityupdate .com

antispywarequickupdates .com (

paymentsystemonline .com ( Jerom M Collins Email: admin@routerpayments.com
liveupdatesoftware .com
royalsoftwareupdate .com
protectionsoftwarecheck .com
securitysoftwarecheck .com
privateupdatesystem .com
updatesoftwarecenter .com
updateprotectioncenter .com
updatepcsecuritycenter .com
powerdownloadserver .com
rapidsoftwareupdates .com
professionalsoftwareupdates .com
allsoftwarepayments .com
powerfullantivirusproduct .com
securedprostatsupdates .cn

liveantimalwareproscan .com ( Giang B Ahrens Email: chu-thi-huong@giang.com
liveantimalwarequickscnan .com
online-antimalware-scanner .com
advancedprotectionscanner .com
advancedproantivirusscanner .com

securedsystemupdates .com ( Anatoliy Lushko Email: tvdomains@lycos.com
premiumworldpayments .com
systemsecuritytool .com (
systemsecurityonline .com
internetsafetyexamine .com (
youronlinestability .com
promotion-offer .com (;;; Email: Roland Peters rolandpeters@europe.com

During March, a new type of scareware with elements of ransomware started circulating in the wild. It will be interesting to monitor whether it will become the de-facto standard for optimizing revenues out of rogue security software.

Related posts:
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Sixteen
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Fifteen
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Fourteen
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Thirteen
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Twelve
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Eleven
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Ten
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Nine
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Eight
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Seven
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Six
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Five
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Four
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Three
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Two
Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software

Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for March

The following is a brief summary of all of my posts at ZDNet's Zero Day for March. You can also go through previous summaries for February, January, December, November, October, September, August and July, as well as subscribe to my personal RSS feed or Zero Day's main feed.

Notable articles include: Inside BBC's Chimera botnet and Study: IE8's SmartScreen leads in malware protection.

01. Conficker worm to DDoS legitimate sites in March
02. Bad, bad, cybercrime-friendly ISPs!
03. Google downplays severity of Gmail CSRF flaw
04. USAID.gov compromised, malware and exploits served
05. International Kaspersky sites susceptible to SQL injection attacks
06. New study details the dynamics of successful phishing
07. BBC team buys a botnet, DDoSes security company Prevx
08. Comcast responds to passwords leak on Scribd
09. Diebold ATMs infected with credit card skimming malware
10. Ex-botnet master hired by TelstraClear
11. Study: IE8's SmartScreen leads in malware protection
12. Scareware meets ransomware: "Buy our fake product and we'll decrypt the files"
13. Inside BBC's Chimera botnet