Thursday, June 29, 2006

North Korea - Turn On the Lights, Please

North Korea's recent missile launch furor, and the obvious conventional weaponry doctrine in place, as well as my comments in the Travel Without Moving series - Korean Demilitarized Zone, reminded me of a how they tend to fuel growth in military spending/the regime, where the trade-off is a developing economy, or any economy at all. I feel North Korea is still quite dark these days, very impressive imagery showing that :

"South Korea is bright, North Korea is dark. This amazing image is included in the standard US Department of Defense briefings on North Korea. It was mentioned in a news briefing on 23 December 2002 by Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, who stated that "If you look at a picture from the sky of the Korean Peninsula at night, South Korea is filled with lights and energy and vitality and a booming economy; North Korea is dark." There are a number of versions of this image in circulation, with visible differences that vary according to the conditions at the time the imagery was acquired."

Rich Karlgaard's comment on lifting North Korea sanctions, and Quentin Hardy's argument that "Capitalism has corrupted other authoritarian regimes, why not North Korea?”are worth taking into consideration.

Tracking Down Internet Terrorist Propaganda

I always knew there's a team of cheap marketers behind every terrorist organization trying to market yet another multimedia killing, or put it simple fear, treats, and no respect for life. Why cheap? Mainly because there's no segmentation or niche issues to deal with, but mostly mass marketing, while harnessing the power of the never ending resonation from the media echo.

Rather biased, today's opinion on Cyberterrorism always has to do primarily with destruction as the core of the problem. Active research is already conducted on "Arabic Extremist Group Forum Messages' Characteristics" and "Terrorist Social Network Analysis", and the real issues still remain communication, research, fundraising, propaganda, recruitment and training -- I wish Dorothy Denning was also blogging on the topic!

iDefense, being the masters of CYBERINT, recently found jihadist web sites related to Zarqawi's "Successor". The interesting part :

"This website contains forums with a mix of threads covering items from the latest information on the militants in the Middle East, such as a video of militants in Syria, to hacker education, such as Microsoft Word documents available for downloading that detail CGI, unicode and php exploits. The members appear to be interested in physical and cyber-related threats. The membership of the site is growing and is already over 10,000+ members. Plus, we at iDefense/VeriSign are very interested to see what hacking issues or levels of cyber expertise may be covered on this site."

By the way, I just came across to an outstanding list of Islamic sites at Cryptome. These are definitely about to get crawled, analyzed, and for sure, under attack in the future. For instance, the most recent example of hacktivism tensions, are the hundreds of hacked Israeli web pages, in the light of Israel's military action in Gaza.

Further reading on:
How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet
Jihad Online : Islamic Terrorists and the Internet
Right-wing Extremism on the Internet
Terrorist web sites courtesy of the SITE Institute
The HATE Directory November 2005 update
Recruitment by Extremist Groups on the Internet