Tuesday, February 12, 2008

BlackEnergy DDoS Bot Web Based C&Cs

Remember the Google Hacking for MPacks, Zunkers and WebAttackers experiment, proving that malicious parties don't even take the basic precautions to camouflage their ongoing migration to the web for the purpose of botnet and malware kits C&Cs? Let's experiment wi the BlackEnergy DDoS bot, and prove it's the same situation. What's the BlackEnergy DDoS bot anyway :

"BlackEnergy is an HTTP-based botnet used primarily for DDoS attacks. Unlike mostcommon bots, this bot does not communicate with the botnet master using IRC. Also, wedo not see any exploit activities from this bot, unlike a traditional IRC bot. This is a small(under 50KB) binary for the Windows platform that uses a simple grammar tocommunicate. Most of the botnets we have been tracking (over 30 at present) are locatedin Malaysian and Russian IP address space and have targeted Russian sites with theirDDoS attacks."

The following are currently live botnet C&Cs administration panels, and with BlackEnergy's only functionality in the form of DDOS attacks, it's a good example of how DDoS on demand or DDoS extortion get orchestrated through such interfaces :

httpdoc.info/black/auth.php (
wmstore.info/hello/auth.php (
lunaroverlord.awardspace.com/auth.php (
333prn.com/xxx/auth.php (

It's getting even more interesting to see different campaigns within, that in between serving Trojan.Win32.Buzus.yn; Trojan.Win32.Buzus.ym; Trojan-Proxy.Small.DU, there's also an instance of Email-Worm.Zhelatin. A clear indication of a botnet in its startup phrase is also the fact that all the malware binaries that you see in the attached screenshot use one of these hosts as both the C&C and the main binary update/download location.

U.K's FETA Serving Malware

Yet another high-profile malware embedded attack worth commenting on, just like the most recent one at the Dutch embassy in Moscow. Website of UK landmark hacked to serve malware :

"The website of one of the UK's most famous landmarks, the Forth Road Bridge, has been torn open in embarrassing fashion to serve malware, researchers are reporting. According to the security blog of a small consultancy, Roundtrip Solutions, the website is now hosting an 'obfuscated' Javascript hack created using the Neosploit Crimeware Toolkit, dishing out payloads including, the blog reports, porn pop-ups."

The deobfuscated javascript attempts to load the currently live (MDAC ActiveX code execution (CVE-2006-0003), also responding to Silentwork.ws and Tide.ws which is deceptively forwarding to BBC's web site, deceptively in the sense that were I to use a U.K based IP to access it for instance it will try to serve the malware, thus, malware campaigners are now able to segment the malware attacks on a basis of IP geolocation. Who's behind it? A group that's in direct affiliation with the RBN and the New Media Malware Gang, where the three of these operate on the same netblocks.

The bottom line - according to publicly obtainable stats and the ever-growing list of high-profile malware embedded attacks, legitimate sites serve more malware than bogus ones as it was in the past in the form of dropped domains for instance. How come? Malware campaigners figured out that trying to attract traffic to their malware domains is more time and resources consuming than it is to take advantage of the traffic a legitimate site is already getting. In fact, they're getting so successful at embedding their presence on a legitimate site that they're currently taking advantage of "event-based social engineering" campaigns by embedding the malware at one of the first five search engine results to appear on a particular event.