Monday, April 24, 2023

Happy Holidays From The (Not) Republic of Bulgaria - An Analysis - Part Four


Who Has Information on the Bad Guys and Wants to Share it with Me?

Dear blog readers,

As of today I'm starting to do something that I haven't really done in ages and probably never really did throughout my entire career which is to do my best to assist friends and colleagues including the appropriate Law Enforcement parties with research and knowledge on the bad guys which in this particular case would be to solicit information from my readers on current and emerging cyber threat actors from my readers using a Dark Web Onion which in this particular case is:


Here's what I'm looking for:

  • anything related to cyber intelligence in terms of currently active and ongoing campaigns including all the associated IoCs that you can share and that you think I need to go through and work on based on your submission such as for instance raw cyber intelligence details on current and ongoing campaigns domains personally identifiable emails MD5s including anything that you think and believe might be worth working on in terms of what you're sharing in terms of "processing" and enriching and working on reaching out to the appropriate parties including the proper Law Enforcement parties involved in tracking down and prosecuting the cyber criminals behind these campaigns
  • personally identifiable information on the bad guys which I'll do my best to share with the appropriate Law Enforcement party including friends and colleagues who can truly make an impact to track down and prosecute the bad guys based on their campaign activity

Here's what to expect in exchange:

  • always make sure to know that I'll go through all the cyber intelligence IoCs personally identifiable information on the bad guys malware and exploits serving domains and associated MD5s including anything related to my line of work personally and will work to enrich and "process" your submission with the utmost professionalism as possible and as always.
Stay tuned!

Auctioning Off? Think Twice and Show Your Support!

Surprise, surprise.

Guess who's selling out without being a sellout? 

Although many of you know and remember me from 2010-2013 with my research when I was on the top of my research and analysis game today's harsh reality is that I think that I'm that very close to retiring and basically finding another venture to pursue possibly something in the lines of corporate cyber security investment portfolio and innovation management where I can be of great help where I'm currently busy paying the bills including a loan including to work on part time OSINT projects with great success where my primary goal would be to secure a financial pension and retirement fund in the context of auctioning off my 20TB personal files archive dating back to 2010 and 2023 for collectibles and memorabilia purposes where among my primarily long term projects would be to launch a training program in my line of work including to write a Second Edition of my personal memoir including to write several upcoming books.

Stay tuned!