Saturday, August 10, 2024

Emulating Humans for Cybercrime Purposes

It's 2009 and I just stumbled upon the extremely sophisticated Xedant Human Emulator (XHE) (hxxp:// which basically automates human interactions with Web and online properties to the point of sophisticated and was in a way heavily advertised on various cybercrime-friendly forum communities back in the day.

Primary project's contact points:

ICQ:  420-444-071

WebMoney: Z898663059839

Some of its features include:

submission of information to the web - for example: registration in various directories and sites, adding posts to the forum, etc.

site audit (validity check);

collecting data from other sites;

emulation of traffic to the site;

automation of Internet surfing tasks;

checking website content updates;

website performance testing;

autologin, auto-posting on several forums;

management of advertising companies in Google Adwords;

cheating counters, auto clicking;

transferring a website/blog from one engine to another;

integration of offline and online applications;

working with AJAX or closed areas of sites;

complete human emulation, down to mouse movement and keystrokes;

Sample screenshots:

If it's everything that you ever wanted in the context of emulating a human or human actions targeting a specific Web site or web property including all the joys of outsourced as always CAPTCHA recognition in a cost-effective manner this is the tool that you really need in 2009.