Thursday, March 06, 2014

Summarizing Webroot's Threat Blog Posts for February

The following is a brief summary of all of my posts at Webroot's Threat Blog for February, 2014. You can subscribe to Webroot's Threat Blog RSS Feed, or follow me on Twitter:

01. Cybercriminals release Socks4/Socks5 based Alexa PageRank boosting application
02. Market leading ‘standardized cybercrime-friendly E-shop’ service brings 2500+ boutique E-shops online
03. Managed TeamViewer based anti-forensics capable virtual machines offered as a service
04. Malicious campaign relies on rogue WordPress sites, leads to client-side exploits through the Magnitude exploit kit
05. ‘Hacking for hire’ teams occupy multiple underground market segments, monetize their malicious ‘know how’
06. DoubleClick malvertising campaign exposes long-run beneath the radar malvertising infrastructure
07. Spamvertised ‘Image has been sent’ Evernote themed campaign serves client-side exploits
08. Spamvertised ‘You received a new message from Skype voicemail service’ themed emails lead to Angler exploit kit

This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog. Follow him on Twitter.

Summarizing Webroot's Threat Blog Posts for January

The following is a brief summary of all of my posts at Webroot's Threat Blog for January, 2014. You can subscribe to Webroot's Threat Blog RSS Feed, or follow me on Twitter:

01. ‘Adobe License Service Center Order NR’ and ‘Notice to appear in court’ themed malicious spam campaigns intercepted in the wild
02. New “Windows 8 Home Screen’ themed passwords/game keys stealer spotted in the wild
03. Vendor of TDoS products resets market life cycle of well known 3G USB modem/GSM/SIM card-based TDoS tool
04. New TDoS market segment entrant introduces 96 SIM cards compatible custom GSM module, positions itself as market disruptor
05. DIY Python-based mass insecure WordPress scanning/exploting tool with hundreds of pre-defined exploits spotted in the wild
06. Google’s reCAPTCHA under automatic fire from a newly launched reCAPTCHA-solving/breaking service
07. Fully automated, API-supporting service, undermines Facebook and Google’s ‘SMS/Mobile number activation’ account registration process
08. Newly launched managed ‘compromised/hacked accounts E-shop hosting as service’ standardizes the monetization process
09. Newly released Web based DDoS/Passwords stealing-capable DIY botnet generating tool spotted in the wild
10. Cybercriminals release new Web based keylogging system, rely on penetration pricing to gain market share
This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog. Follow him on Twitter.