Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ethiopian Embassy in Washington D.C Serving Malware

Oops, they keep doing it again and again. The web site of the Ethiopian Embassy in Washington D.C ( has been compromised and is currently iFrame-ed to point to a live exploits serving URL on behalf of Russian cybercriminals, naturally in a multitasking mode since the iFrame used to act as a redirector in several other malware campaigns.

Despite that the iFrame domain (1tvv .com/index.php) is already "taken care of", details on the original campaign can still be provided. Multiple dynamic redirectors with a hard coded malware serving domain are nothing new, thanks to sophisticated traffic management kits allowing this to happen. The mentality applied here is pretty simple and is basically mimicking fast-flux as a concept.

With or without one of the redirection domains, the campaign keeps running like the following: ( as the hard coded malware serving domain within the mix, is currently serving Office Snapshot Viewer, MDAC, Adobe Collab overflow exploits etc. courtesy of web malware exploitation kit (Fiesta). Traffic management is done through trafficinc .ru and trafficmonsterinc .ru also parked at with Win32.VirToolObfusca served at the end.

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