A currently ongoing scareware campaign is using celebrity-themed blackhat SEO tactics in order to hijack legitimate traffic by abusing the popular DocStoc and Scribd document-sharing services. What's the single most interesting thing about this campaign anyway? It's fact that one of the domains parked on the same IP that the rest of the malware and exploit serving ones are -- they naturally multitask and engage in drive-by attacks -- newsoff .net has been registered with the same email pvcprotect@gmail.com as the original gumblar .cn domain.
Once the user clicks on the bogus video window embedded as an active document, which as matter of fact doesn't issue any warning that the user is leaving the site, a redirection takes place through shurus .net/in.cgi?3 -> b.corlock .net/main.html - - Email: jessica357ass@gmail.com where the user is asked to download load.exe.

offnews .cn - Email: cuitiankai@googlemail.com
newsoff .net - Email: pvcprotect@gmail.com - Ooh la la, the original gumblar .cn has been registered with the same email
curah .net - Email: jessica357ass@gmail.com
corlock .net - Email: jessica357ass@gmail.com
klirok .net - Email: jessica357ass@gmail.com
murrr .net - Email: jessica357ass@gmail.com
shurus .net - Email: jessica357ass@gmail.com

lupan13 - 1,148 documents; 3,301 total reads
jess357 - 877 documents; 15,202 total reads
mumukan - 875 documents; 19,791 total reads
cekalo - 874 documents; 2,926 total reads
Sample Docstoc activity per username:
valaman - Docs: 460; Views: 13224
zalupa - Docs: 407; Views: 14397
monilit - Docs: 871; Views: 5265
babaka - Docs: 252; Views: 183
namaska - Docs: 139; Views: 8
rumaska - Docs: 829; Views: 172
zuzya - Docs: 748; Views: 280
malina13 - Docs: 66; Views: 15377
yoqeojegu - Docs: 9; Views: 3284
ryjokoleqayebi - Docs: 10; Views: 326
jopan13 - Docs: 397; Views: 43876
iculyodysocehi - Docs: 10; Views: 3721
lupan13 - Docs: 414; Views: 29275

10-open-davinci .com
advanced-virusremover2009 .com - Email: giogr@ua.fm
advancedvirus-remover2009 .com - Email: jopa@gmail.com
advanced-virus-remover2009 .com - Email: masle@masle.kz - seen in July, 2009
advancedvirusremover-2009 .com - Email: eptit@eptit.us
advanced-virusremover-2009 .com - Email: support@antivirus-xp-pro2009.com
advancedvirus-remover-2009 .com - Email: tt1@ua.fm
advanced-virus-remover-2009 .com - Email: ubiv@i.ua
advancedvirusremover-2010 .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
advanced-virus-remover-2010 .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
anti-virus-xp-pro2009 .com - Email: chen.poon1732646@yahoo.com
best-scan .biz - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
best-scan .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
best-scan-pc .biz - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
best-scanpc .com - Email: alex@mail.ge
best-scan-pc .com
best-scanpc .net
best-scan-pc .net
coolcount1 .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
coolcount2 .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
downloadavr10 .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
downloadavr11 .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
downloadavr12 .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
downloadavr3 .com - Email: support@antivirus-xp-pro2009.com
downloadavr4 .com - Email: tt1@ua.fm
downloadavr5 .com - Email: vs@ua.km
downloadavr6 .com - Email: alex@i.ua
downloadavr7 .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
downloadavr8 .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
downloadavr9 .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
hard-xxx-tube .com
malware-scan .net - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
malware-scaner .net - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
masterhost.co .in - Email: pricklyy@mail.ru
onlinescanxppro .com - Email: chen.poon1732646@yahoo.com
pc-scanner .info - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
pc-scanner-2010 .net - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
pc-scannerr .biz - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
pc-scannerr .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
pc-scannerr .info - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
pc-scannerr .net - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
pc-scannerr .us - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
testavrdown .com - Email: support@antivirus-xp-pro2009.com
testavrdownnew .com - Email: mamed@i.ua
trucount3005 .com - Email: chen.poon1732646@yahoo.com - money-mule recruitment connection
trucountme .com - Email: valentin@gergiea.kz - already profiled
white-xxx-tube .com - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
xxx-white-tube .biz - Email: noxim@maidsf.ru
xxx-white-tube .net - Email: gnom@gnom.ge
DocStoc and Scribd have been notified.
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From Ukrainian Blackhat SEO Gang With Love
From Ukrainian Blackhat SEO Gang With Love - Part Two
From Ukraine with Scareware Serving Tweets, Bogus LinkedIn/Scribd Accounts, and Blackhat SEO Farms
Fake Web Hosting Provider - Front-end to Scareware Blackhat SEO Campaign at Blogspot
This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog.