As I've been busy catching up with way too many things to list them, I'd better finalize my creativity efforts and provide you with the results as they appear during the week. Meanwhile, current events being constantly streamed and brainwashed from every TV channel you try to watch -- remember how in
1984 only the party leaders had the privillege to turn off their 24/7 propaganda streams? Feel empowered nowadays -- made me think on how today's situation slightly represents the one filmed in the
Path to War, especially the partisan warfare activities.You can never win a partisan war, what you'll end up with is your ego and nose bleeding, and your heroistic wings sort of broken. Feeling, or positioning yourself for powerful PSYOPS while destroying a country's infrastructure to eradicate the partisan fighters, is one of my favorite moments in the movie, especially when they realized how they've
managed to destroy 140% of Vietnam's infrastructure and were still losing the war.
Even worse, having to power and diplomatic influence to make a change,while being a beauraucrat to win time as someone else's about to take care of your dirty laundry is such a bad example for the rest of the democratic world, yet a convenient one.
Great post at DefenseTech on
autonomous warfare, destroy the oil resources to limit the movement of suppliers - have
a dozen of grannies move them on bycicles or take it personally, destroy a bridge, and see a wooden one build within day or two, every war is an act of terrorism by itself, where the term "acceptable levels of casualties" constantly jumps from the military to the political dictionary.
Previous DVDs of the Weekend and related comments:DVD of the Weekend - The Lone GunmenDVD of the Weekend - The Outer Limits - Sex And Science Fiction CollectionDVD of the Weekend - War GamesDVD of the Weekend - The ImmortalsDVD of the Weekend - Lawnmower man - Beyond Cyberspace