Monday, November 02, 2009

Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for October

The following is a brief summary of all of my posts at ZDNet's Zero Day for October.

You can also go through previous summaries, as well as subscribe to my personal RSS feed or Zero Day's main feed.

Notable articles include: Does software piracy lead to higher malware infection rates? and New LoroBot ransomware encrypts files, demands $100 for decryption.

01. MS Security Essentials test shows 98% detection rate for 545k malware samples
02. Weak passwords dominate statistics for Hotmail's phishing scheme leak
03. Click fraud facilitating Bahama botnet steals ad revenue from Google
04. New Koobface campaign spoofs Adobe's Flash updater
05. Does software piracy lead to higher malware infection rates?
06. Commonwealth fined $100k for not mandating antivirus software
07. 'Evil Maid' USB stick attack keylogs TrueCrypt passphrases
08. Fake 'Conflicker.B Infection Alert' spam campaign drops scareware
09. Gawker Media tricked into featuring malicious Suzuki ads
10. New LoroBot ransomware encrypts files, demands $100 for decryption
11. Spooky Halloween - scareware or crimeware?
12. Phishing experiment sneaks through all anti-spam filters

This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog.