Wednesday, April 28, 2021 - Accepting Advertisers!

Dear blog readers,

As many of you know I've been officially running a high-profile security and hacking project on the original including the launch management and maintenance of one of the Web's most popular and high-traffic volume search engine for hackers and security experts where we're currently accepting advertisers and offering a pretty good advertising inventory in terms of traffic while we're offering a permanent banner and a text link for those who are interested.

Are you interested in advertising at one of the Web's most popular and high-traffic visited Web site for hackers and security experts since 1994 up to present day? Drop me a line at to discuss.

Who Wants to Advertise?

Dear blog readers,

Since December, 2005 my personal blog is one of the security industry's most popular and high traffic visited security publications with hundreds of high-profile visitors on a daily basis.

I'm currently offering and accepting serious advertising offers for permanent banner and a text link placement on my blog from vendors oflr organizations in this space where I can offer a pretty decent and good advertising inventory in terms of traffic and we can sign a monthly or yearly traffic acquisition and brand exposure agreement for your vendor or organization.

Are you interested? Drop me a line at to discuss.

Dancho Danchev's Cybercrime Forum Data Set for 2021 - An Update

Dear blog readers. This is Dancho and I've decided to issue an update in terms of my previous post and say big thanks to everyone who expressed interest in my Cybercrime Forum Data Set for 2021. I'm currently busy catching up and sending direct download links to everyone who expressed interest in obtaining it for research purposes.

Stay tuned!