The never ending war of
corporate interests between
the old and the new media, seems to be re-emerging on a weekly basis. Obviously, newspapers don't really like Google picking up their content and making money without giving them any commissions -- they don't even have to -- and with more shortsighted local newspaper unions asking Google and Yahoo! to stop doing so, I'm so looking forward for the moment in the near future when we'll be discussing their will to get crawled again. You fear what you don't understand, and the old media doesn't like the way it got re-intermediated, thus losing its overhyped content generation exclusiveness. In a Web 2.0 world, everyone generates content, which later on gets mixed, re-mixed, syndicated and aggregated, what if newspapers really tried to adapt instead of denying the future? And isn't it ironic that the newspapers that want to be removed from any search engine's index, are later on using these search engines while investigating for their stories?
Here's a lengthy comment I recently made on the
old media vs the new one.