Monday, May 19, 2008

Fast-Fluxing SQL Injection Attacks

The botnet masters behind Asprox are converging tactics already, by fast-fluxing the SQL injected domains. Related URLs for this campaign :

Read the complete assessment - Fast-Fluxing SQL Injection Attacks Executed from the Asprox Botnet, and go through previous posts related to the botnet as well - Phishing Emails Generating Botnet Scaling; Inside a Botnet's Phishing Activities; Fake Yahoo Greetings Malware Campaign Circulating.

The Small Pack Web Malware Exploitation Kit

Yet another proprietary web malware exploitation kit has been released at the beginning of this month, further indicating that the efficient supply of such kits is proportional to their simplistic nature. The only differentiation factor in the Small Pack is perhaps the inclusion of all known Opera exploits up to version 9.20, however, the rest of the features are the natural ones included in the majority of already known exploitation kits :

- IE exploits included - Quick TIme Modified, PNG, MDAC, DX Media
- Firefox exploits included - Quick Time, PNG, EMBED

- Opera - all exploits up to version 9.20
- RC4 encryption

- lifetime updates
- Geolocation

- opportunity to request additional functions

Converging infection and distribution vectors, evasion and survivability, metrics and command and control in a single all-in-one web malware exploitation kits is, however, is definitely in the works considering the developments introduced in the rest of the kits currently available. For instance, despite that the ongoing waves of SQL injection attacks with multiple campaigns are injecting the malicious domains in its original form, certain attacks are starting to inject obfuscated URLs making it harder to assess the impact of the campaign using open source intelligence techniques.

The bottom line, as long as webmasters continue participating in the so called "traffic exchange" revenue models, knowingly or unknowingly embedding links that would later on ultimately redirect to a malicious site, "traffic exchange" is receiving the most attention at the strategic level, next to "traffic acquisition" at the tactical level. Basically, the traffic inventory that could be supplied is the direct result of an ongoing SQL injection attack, or malware embedded through other means, with the traffic brokers directly undermining webmaster's unethical inclusion of exploits within their domains portfolio.

One thing's for sure - web malware exploitation kits are not just getting localized, they're also being cloned.

Related posts:
The FirePack Exploitation Kit Localized to Chinese
MPack and IcePack Localized to Chinese
The FirePack Exploitation Kit - Part Two
The FirePack Web Malware Exploitation Kit
The WebAttacker in Action
Nuclear Malware Kit
The Random JS Malware Exploitation Kit
Metaphisher Malware Kit Spotted in the Wild
The Black Sun Bot
The Cyber Bot
Google Hacking for MPacks, Zunkers and WebAttackers
The IcePack Malware Kit in Action