Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Newly Launched Cybercrime Service Offers Access to POS Terminals on Demand

Cybercriminals continue applying basic market segmentation concepts, to their underground market propositions, to further ensure, that, they're capable of targeting the right audience, potentially generating hundreds of thousands of fraudulently generating revenues in the process.

From basic, malware as a service underground market propositions, offering access to country, city, ISP based type of malware-infected hosts, to cybercrime-friendly services, offering access to malware-infected hosts converted to anonymization proxies, to further target additional market segments, within the cybercrime ecosystem, cybercriminals continue to utilize basic market segmentation concepts, based on the targeted population.

In this post, we'll discuss a newly launched managed service, offering access to POS (Point of Sale) terminals, further empowering, both, novice, and sophisticated cybercriminals, with the necessary access to commit related fraudulent activities.

The service is currently offering access to POS (Point of Sale) terminals, located, in the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany, priced between $30 and $50 for access to a POS (Point of Sale) terminal.

Cybercriminals, continue relying on basic data mining concepts, while utilizing the overall target population, further, ensuring that their market-relevant propositions, while, continuing to generate fraudulent revenues, in, the, process.

We expect to continue observing an increase in underground market propositions, utilizing basic market segmentation concepts, further positioning, both, novice, and experienced market leaders, as relevant and competitive market participants, potentially generating tens of thousands of fraudulently obtained assets in the process.

Managed Social Engineering Based Code Signing Generating Certificate Service Spotted in the Wild

Cybercriminals are masters of social engineering, potentially tricking, tens of thousands of users on a daily basis, into falling victims into fraudulent cybercrime-friendly campaigns, generating them, hundreds of thousands of fraudulent revenues, successfully, contributing to the growth of multiple underground market segments, within, the underground marketplace.

In this post, we'll discuss a newly launched service, empowering, both, novice, and experienced cybercriminals, with the necessary tools and know how, to further commit, fraudulent activities, in the form of socially engineered code signing certificates, obtained through the registration of bogus and non-existent companies.

Priced at $1,000 per certificate, the service is also offering discounts on a volume basis, including custom contacts based customization files, including detailed info about the rogue company, used in the code signing process. Relying on basic 'visual social engineering' concepts, cybercriminals are perfectly positioned, to execute a successful campaign on a mass scale, or in a targeted nature, successfully targeting tens of thousands of users.

We expect to continue observing relevant code signing as a service, type of cybercrime-friendly propositions, within the cybercrime ecosystem, with more market vendors, entering the market segment, further positioning themselves, as market leaders, through basic market segmentation, and efficient social engineering techniques.

Spam-friendly Image Randomization Tool Released on the Underground Marketplace

Cybercriminals, continue applying basic QA (Quality Assurance) processes, to their fraudulent campaigns, on their way to achieve a posive ROI (Return on Investment) out of their fraudulent activities.

In this post, we'll discuss a newly launched commercial tool, that's capable of generating unique images, for the purpose of tricking spam filters, in an attempt to trick end users into falling victim into the fraudulent campaign.

Priced at $25, the API-enabled tool is capable of converting a regular image, executed in a spam campaign, into a new one, successfully bypassing spam filters, exposing end users to fraudulent attempts, generating fraudulent revenue, for the cybercriminals behind the campaign.

We expect to continue observing an increase in QA (Quality Assurance) driven underground market propositions, leading to a successful set of fraudulent propositions, dominating the underground marketplace.