Monday, August 03, 2009

Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for July

The following is a brief summary of all of my posts at ZDNet's Zero Day for July.

You can also go through previous summaries for June, May, April, March, February, January, December, November, October, September, August and July, as well as subscribe to my personal RSS feed or Zero Day's main feed.

Notable articles include - Manchester City Council pays $2.4m in Conficker clean up costs; Transmitter.C mobile malware spreading in the wild and Does free antivirus offer a false feeling of security?

01. Manchester City Council pays $2.4m in Conficker clean up costs
02. EyeWonder malware incident affects popular web sites
03. Koobface worm joins the Twittersphere
04. Transmitter.C mobile malware spreading in the wild
05. ImageShack hacked by anti-full disclosure movement
06. Does free antivirus offer a false feeling of security?
07. Remote code execution exploit for Firefox 3.5 in the wild
08. Adobe ships insecure version of Reader from official site
09. The future of mobile malware - digitally signed by Symbian?
10. 419 scammers using
11. Spammers go multilingual, use automatic translation services

This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog.