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spweekly.com - Service Provider Weekly
webweekmag.com - Web Week Magazine
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itweekmagazine.com - IT Week Magazine
communicationsweekmag.com - Communication Week Magazine
ipworldmag.com - IP World Magazine
networkweekmag.com - Network Week Magazine
thebestpcmag.com - The Best PC
technologyweekmag.com - Technology Week Magazine
theinternetstandardmag.com - The Internet Standard
securitystandardmag.com - Security Standard
theitstandard.com - The IT Standard
hostingweekmag.com - Hosting Week
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computernewsmagazine.com - Computer News
theinternetstandardmag.com - The Internet Standard
ceweekmag.com - CE Week Magazine
ebusinessmag.com - Ebusiness Magazine
healthcareitmagazine.com - Health Care IT Magazine
serviceprovidermagazine.com - Service Provider Magazine
Deobfuscating the obfuscated javascripts, we see that the first IFRAME points to : lilohost.hk/cgi/index.php ; lilohost.hk/cgi/indexx.php ; lilohost.hk/cgi/tdss/index.php?out=1192369270 ; and lilohost.hk/cgi/indexx.php - where we get the actual malware under the umbrella of a typical WebAttacker obfuscation. The main index of the domain includes links to pharmaceuticals, making it an interesting on in a combination with embedded malware.
The second IFRAME points to where we're greeted with the following message "asdfasdfIt works!" and a piece of Trojan.Srizbi.
Detection rate : Result: 8/31 (25.81%)
File size: 113152 bytes
MD5: a4733e1901653da7086930588d699c85
SHA1: 3e65be5e54b893cddf8f5f9bec2591425d49579a

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