Thursday, October 26, 2006

ShotSpotter - Gunshot Sensors Network

ShotSpotter is :

"a network of noise sensors that identifies and pinpoints gunfire. Over the past few weeks, the technology has guided police to three homicides in Southeast Washington, and in one case officers got there rapidly enough to make an arrest.

ShotSpotter complements 48 surveillance cameras installed in many city neighborhoods. But unlike the cameras, which are checked after the fact, ShotSpotter gets word to police as soon as bullets start flying -- in many cases before anyone has a chance to call 911. Over the past two months, the sensors, roughly the size of coffee cans, have been hidden atop buildings in many sections of Southeast Washington."

Innovative, but how well is it performing when it comes to filtering a three cars synchronized gangsta rap music, and the not so fashionable, but adaptive use of silencers? It makes me think on the possibility of disinformation by criminals knowing someone's listening and responding to gunshots. On the other hand, it could have ever wider acceptance in a war zone acting as an early warning system.

UPDATE: Techdirt's comments on the system.

Ms. Dewey on Microsoft and Security

She sure knows "all these little ones and zeroes", and your social security number altogether. I like the idea, reminds of the futuristic holograms of Einstein acting as interactive Wikipedia which when asked about WWII starts projecting battles -- she's thinking way too long, but as she pointed out she's just a chick in front of your computer.

What are you Looking at?

You piece of EyeBall surveillance camera!