Thursday, August 03, 2006

Achieving Information Warfare Dominance Back in 1962

The point here isn't the consolidation indicated in the article :

"The consolidation involves Singer’s headquarters staff, and subordinate Naval Security Group Activities (NSGA) and detachments (NSGD). When fully completed, the action will combine the Navy's enlisted Cryptologic Technicians and Information Warfare officers into the same organization as the Navy’s Information Systems Technicians and Information Professional officers. The IO warfare area is composed of five core integrated capabilities: Electronic Warfare, Computer Network Operations, Psychological Operations, Military Deception and Operational Security. These combine with related capabilities to provide “Information Dominance,” the concept of controlling an adversary’s use of the information and communications environment while protecting one’s own."

but the advances of intercepting electromagnetic emissions reflected off the Moon back in 1962, through the NRRO 600-Foot Steerable Parabolic Antenna :

"Naval Radio Research Observatory (NRRO). This observatory is to be erected at Sugar Grove, West Virginia for exploiting lunar reflective techniques for the purposes of intelligence collection, radio astronomy, and communications-electronics research. A 600-foot steerable parabolic radio antenna will provide for the reception of electromagnetic emissions reflected off the moon. As an intelligence device it will provide for reception and analyzing emissions from areas of the world not now accessible by any other known method, short of physical penetration. The Observatory is planned to be operational in FY 1962."

Here's more info on the concept :

"Although the 600-ft telescope was never built, a satellite-based alternative, called `GRAB' (Galactic RAdiation Background), was launched in June of 1960. Again, this was a dual-use system. The world's first elint satellite and astronomical observatory were integrated into the same satellite bus, with astronomy serving as an operational front for the whole. A second GRAB was launched in 1962. This interface of classified and basic research tells us about the pursuit of science and science-based technologies during the Cold War."

Nowadays it just seems to be full of bird listeners using parabolic microphones, activists "hacking" TV and Radio signals, and others conducting sophisticated TECHINT on the war field.

Related resources:
Cyber Warfare

One Time Password Generating Credit Card

This is cute as it solves a major problem with customers having to use, and more easily lose tokens. Neat integration with the push of a button on the one time password generating credit card :

"It took InCard four years to develop the card, Finkelstein said. The company combined technology from a Taiwanese display maker, a U.S. battery manufacturer and a French security team, he said. A Swiss partner, NagraID, owns the rights to the process to combine the pieces and actually manufacture the technical innards of the card. The biggest development challenges were the ability to bend the card, power consumption and thickness, Finkelstein said. The result is a card that's as thin and flexible as a regular credit card and is guaranteed to work for three years and 16,000 uses. "Which is about 15 times a day, seven days a week," Finkelstein said."

Compliance with the FFIEC, or an emerging trend of convergence, trouble is it doesn't solve the majority of issues related to phishing attacks, rather it has the potential to undermine other companies' offerings. Now all they need is someone who'll take the role of an evangelist besides the well networked company executives.

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