including the following two ICQ numbers 855377 and 555724 and let's don't forget his personal email address accounts obtained using public sources which are
and it doesn't get any better than this as we've got a pretty good and informative domain portfolio registered by the same individual based on public information sharing the same domain registration details such as for instance hxxp://worldissuer[.]biz which actually are:Independent Contractor. Bitcoin: 15Zvie1j8CjSR52doVSZSjctCDSx3pDjKZ Email: OMEMO: | OTR: | TOX ID: 2E6FCA35A18AA76B2CCE33B55404A796F077CADA56F38922A1988AA381AE617A15D3D3E3E6F1
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Exposing The "Denis Gennadievich Kulkov" a.k.a Kreenjo/Nordex/Nordexin/Try2Check Cybercriminal Enterprise - An Analysis

Exposing Hacking Team GhostSec - An Analysis
In this post I'll profile Hacking Team GhostSec and I'll provide all the relevant and necessary IoCs (Indicators of Compromise) including all the relevant personally identifiable information in terms of assisting U.S Law Enforcement and the U.S Intelligence Community on its way to properly track down and monitor and prosecute the cybercriminals behind these campaigns.
Personal Photos:
Related IoCs and personally identifiable information for GhostSec:
Official Web Site URL: hxxp://
Official Web Site URL: hxxp://
Official Web Site URL: hxxp://
Official Group's Twitter account: hxxp://
Official Group's Telegram account: hxxp://
Official Group's Medium account: hxxp://
Official Group's Web Site URL: hxxp://
Official Group's Web Site URL: hxxp://
Official Group's Email Address Account:
Stay tuned!