Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Summarizing Webroot's Threat Blog Posts for May

The following is a brief summary of all of my posts at Webroot's Threat Blog for May, 2013. You can subscribe to Webroot's Threat Blog RSS Feed, or follow me on Twitter:

01. FedWire ‘Your Wire Transfer’ themed emails lead to malware
02. A peek inside a CVE-2013-0422 exploiting DIY malicious Java applet generating tool
03. New IRC/HTTP based DDoS bot wipes out competing malware
04. New version of DIY Google Dorks based mass website hacking tool spotted in the wild
05. Citibank ‘Merchant Billing Statement’ themed emails lead to malware
06. Fake Amazon ‘Your Kindle E-Book Order’ themed emails circulating in the wild, lead to client-side exploits and malware
07. Cybercriminals impersonate New York State’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), serve malware
08. Cybercriminals offer HTTP-based keylogger for sale, accept Bitcoin
09. Newly launched E-shop for hacked PCs charges based on malware ‘executions’
10. New subscription-based ‘stealth Bitcoin miner’ spotted in the wild
11. Fake ‘Free Media Player’ distributed via rogue ‘Adobe Flash Player HD’ advertisement
12. Newly launched ‘Magic Malware’ spam campaign relies on bogus ‘New MMS’ messages
13. Commercial ‘form grabbing’ rootkit spotted in the wild
14. DIY malware cryptor as a Web service spotted in the wild – part two
15. CVs and sensitive info soliciting email campaign impersonates NATO
16. New commercially available DIY invisible Bitcoin miner spotted in the wild
17. Fake ‘Export License/Payment Invoice’ themed emails lead to malware
18. Compromised Indian government Web site leads to Black Hole Exploit Kit
19. Cybercriminals resume spamvertising Citibank ‘Merchant Billing Statement’ themed emails, serve malware
20. Marijuana-themed DDoS for hire service spotted in the wild
21. Fake ‘Vodafone U.K Images’ themed malware serving spam campaign circulating in the wild

This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog. Follow him on Twitter.