Sunday, January 01, 2012

Summarizing ZDNet's Zero Day Posts for December

The following is a brief summary of all of my posts at ZDNet's Zero Day for December. You can subscribe to my personal RSS feedZero Day's main feed, or follow me on Twitter:

01. New study claims that Chrome is the most secure browser
02. FTC issues refunds to scareware victims
03. Yahoo! Mail introduces two factor authentication
04. Web malware exploitation kits updated with new Java exploit
05. Cybercriminals exploiting the death of Kim Jong-Il
06. Localized ransomware variants impersonate law enforcement agencies
07. Cybercriminals hijack Facebook accounts through bogus browser extensions
08. Amnesty International UK compromised, serving exploits and malware

This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog. Follow him on Twitter.

Summarizing ZDNet's Zero Day Posts for November

The following is a brief summary of all of my posts at ZDNet's Zero Day for November. You can subscribe to my personal RSS feedZero Day's main feed, or follow me on Twitter:

01. Massive DNS poisoning attack in Brazil serving exploits and malware
02. South Korea to block port 25 as anti-spam countermeasure
03. Researchers spot malware using a stolen government certificate
04. SCADA systems at the Water utilities in Illinois, Houston, hacked
05. New Facebook worm spreading
06. Popular free antivirus apps for Android fail anti-malware tests

This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog. Follow him on Twitter.