Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Mobile Malware Scam iSexPlayer Wants Your Money

A bogus media player (iSexPlayer.jar) targeting Symbian S60 3rd edition devices according to several affected parties, is currently being spammed through blackhat search engine optimization. Once infected upon confirming its execution since it's doesn't seem to be exploiting a specific vulnerability besides "bargain hunters" desire for free adult material, the malware attempts to trick the user into participating by becoming a member, however, a quick peek the source code reveals interesting facts about the scam.

For instance, once providing them with your credit card details and basically wanting to try out the service, it appears that there's no way out of it which is a problem since "Trial membership recur at $US 29.95 unless cancelled, Monthly membership recur unless cancelled" and also, "Do you want full access to all pictures and videos? Cost is 2 Euros, charged 100% descreet on your phone bill over SMS. Please allow iSexPlayer to send SMS".

The spammed through blackhat SEO sites are currently active, and perhaps a bit ironic, once you make any transaction with these people, anything that goes on at a later stage such as automatic calling or sms-sing to squeeze your bill, may be in fact legal since you authorized it.

Symbian Freak has some details, as well as an affected party :

"Last week, I had lend my N73 to one of my friends for use as he had lost his phone. I did not know what he did, but I checked my bills today and see some International calls made that amount to around 20USD. That is around 800 Indian rupees. To check, I called the number and learnt that it was a phone sex line. Now it was time for my friend to answer. The thirteen calls were made during a period spanning two days. On an average there were 7 calls a day. Now, the thing that struck me is, going by the call records, the calls on the second day were made when I had the phone with me. I am pretty sure no one dialled the numbers. I called my buddy and asked him if he had downloaded something. He then spilled the beans informing that he did go to some adult website and installed a software (I do not recall the name)."

The name of the "software" as I've already pointed out is iSexPlayer. Let's dissect the scammers and their sites currently spammed across 100,000 sites using blackhat SEO tactics. Related domains sharing the same IP and internal pages : ( DGC-DIRECT2-01 Direct2Internet AB - Internet Access Located in Johanneshov, Sweden)

The scammer's pitch :

"Free access to: - 500 Hardcore scenes - 100 Full lenght movies - Picture galleries Important! To install iSexplayer you must be at least 18 years old. You must install and run iSexplayerâ„¢ access module to watch the videos on Nintendo DS, You must install and run iSexplayerâ„¢ access module to watch the videos on Apple iPhone, Install iSexplayer"

Upon attempting to download the .jar file from the mobile page, the iSexPlayer.php does the magic like that :

"MIDlet-1: iSexPlayer,/icon.png,Easyloader
MIDlet-Jar-Size: 101313
MIDlet-Name: iSexPlayer
MIDlet-Vendor: Vendor
MIDlet-Version: 1.0
MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.0
MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0
did: 1322451
did2: 9416755

Who's behind the scam?

"c_javax_microedition_lcdui_Form_fld.append("\niSexPlayer is owned by: ");
c_javax_microedition_lcdui_Form_fld.append("\nEnit Invest S.L. "); 
c_javax_microedition_lcdui_Form_fld.append("\nweb: ");
c_javax_microedition_lcdui_Form_fld.append("\nemail: ");
c_javax_microedition_lcdui_Form_fld.append("\nTel: 1-800-845-4951 ");"

Enit Invest S.L.
Av. Machupichu 26, S 18
28043 Madrid
Tel: 1-800-845-4951

And since I'm sure that there are more juicy details within the source code further exposing their scammy practices, which you should not authorize in any way, just like you wouldn't really like making a long call on a premium rate number thanks to having a malware infected phone, once more details are gathered, particularly its compatibility with devices, they'll be posted.

Storm Worm's U.S Invasion of Iran Campaign

The Storm Worm-ers are keeping themselves busy, with two campaigns in less than a week, following the latest on the 4th of July. Now, they are spreading rumors of a U.S invasion in Iran :

"Just now US Army's Delta Force and U.S. Air Force have invaded Iran. Approximately 20000 soldiers crossed the border into Iran and broke down the Iran's Army resistance. The video made by US soldier was received today morning. Click on the video to see first minutes of the beginning of the World War III. God save us."

The campaign is using the following domains :

statenewsworld .com

morenewsonline .com

dailydotnews .com

dotdailynews .com

newsworldnow .com

All registered by the same individual :


REVA 13-27 Deribaska 3565,198346 DZ Tel. +321.3568872

Sample detection rate :


Scanners Result: 4/33 (12.13%)

File size: 118273 bytes

MD5...: 19ab8f1dddb743c1dc2924cb61d3f877

SHA1..: e0915f377020479ba95ffed0fcb07a2b2aec72f4

Storm Worm domains used in recent campaigns, still parked on infected hosts :

superlovelyric .com

bestlovelyric .com

makingloveworld .com

statenewsworld .com

wholoveguide .com

gonelovelife .com

loveisknowlege .com

lovekingonline .com

lovemarkonline .com

wholefireworksonline .com

morenewsonline .com

makingadore .com

greatadore .com

yourfireworksstore .com

loveoursite .com

dayfireworkssite .com

musiconelove .com

knowholove .com

whoisknowlove .com

theplaylove .com

lovelifecash .com

wantcherish .com

shelovehimtoo .com

makeloveforever .com

bellestarfireworks .com

yourfireworks .com

worldbestfireworks .com

greatfireworkslaws .com

dailydotnews .com

dotdailynews .com

wholovedirect .com

newsworldnow .com

thefireworksjuly .com

grupogaleria .cn

polkerdesign .cn   

nationwide2u .cn

activeware .cn

grupogaleria .cn

likethisone1 .com

lollypopycandy .com

nationwide2u .cn

polkerdesign .cn

verynicebank .com

thefireworksjuly .com

wholefireworksonline .com

worldbestfireworks .com

yourfireworks .com

bellestarfireworks .com

dayfireworkssite .com

greatfireworkslaws .com

yourfireworksstore .com

The "best" is yet to come.

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Storm Worm Hosting Pharmaceutical Scams

All You Need is Storm Worm's Love

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Storm Worm Switching Propagation Vectors

Storm Worm's use of Dropped Domains

Offensive Storm Worm Obfuscation

Storm Worm's Fast Flux Networks

Storm Worm's St. Valentine Campaign

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The Storm Worm Malware Back in the Game