For instance, once providing them with your credit card details and basically wanting to try out the service, it appears that there's no way out of it which is a problem since "Trial membership recur at $US 29.95 unless cancelled, Monthly membership recur unless cancelled" and also, "Do you want full access to all pictures and videos? Cost is 2 Euros, charged 100% descreet on your phone bill over SMS. Please allow iSexPlayer to send SMS".
Symbian Freak has some details, as well as an affected party :
"Last week, I had lend my N73 to one of my friends for use as he had lost his phone. I did not know what he did, but I checked my bills today and see some International calls made that amount to around 20USD. That is around 800 Indian rupees. To check, I called the number and learnt that it was a phone sex line. Now it was time for my friend to answer. The thirteen calls were made during a period spanning two days. On an average there were 7 calls a day. Now, the thing that struck me is, going by the call records, the calls on the second day were made when I had the phone with me. I am pretty sure no one dialled the numbers. I called my buddy and asked him if he had downloaded something. He then spilled the beans informing that he did go to some adult website and installed a software (I do not recall the name)."
test.3gx.se ( DGC-DIRECT2-01 Direct2Internet AB - Internet Access Located in Johanneshov, Sweden)
The scammer's pitch :
"Free access to: - 500 Hardcore scenes - 100 Full lenght movies - Picture galleries Important! To install iSexplayer you must be at least 18 years old. You must install and run iSexplayerâ„¢ access module to watch the videos on Nintendo DS, You must install and run iSexplayerâ„¢ access module to watch the videos on Apple iPhone, Install iSexplayer"
Upon attempting to download the .jar file from the mobile page, the iSexPlayer.php does the magic like that :
"MIDlet-1: iSexPlayer,/icon.png,Easyloader
MIDlet-Install-Notify: http://3g6.se/install_notify.php?id=1322451
MIDlet-Jar-Size: 101313
MIDlet-Jar-URL: http://3g6.se/iSexPlayer.jar
MIDlet-Name: iSexPlayer
MIDlet-Vendor: Vendor
MIDlet-Version: 1.0
MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.0
MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0
did: 1322451
did2: 9416755"
Who's behind the scam?
"c_javax_microedition_lcdui_Form_fld.append("\niSexPlayer is owned by: ");
c_javax_microedition_lcdui_Form_fld.append("\nEnit Invest S.L. ");
c_javax_microedition_lcdui_Form_fld.append("\nweb: enitinvest.com ");
c_javax_microedition_lcdui_Form_fld.append("\nemail: support@enitinvest.com ");
c_javax_microedition_lcdui_Form_fld.append("\nTel: 1-800-845-4951 ");"
Enit Invest S.L.
Av. Machupichu 26, S 18
28043 Madrid
email: support@enitinvest.com
Tel: 1-800-845-4951