The following ten posts have been featured due to their insightful content, comprehensiveness of the topic covered, and due to plain simple exclusivity in the time of publishing, and not necessarily based on page views.
Thank you for being a regular reader of my personal blog. Feel free to subscribe to my RSS feed, keep track of my posts at ZDNet's Zero Day, or follow me on Twitter.
01. Conficker's Scareware/Fake Security Software Business Model
02. Koobface Botnet's Scareware Business Model - Part One and Part Two
03. Inside a Money Laundering Group's Spamming Operations
04. A Peek Inside the Managed Blackhat SEO Ecosystem
05. Iranian Opposition DDoS-es pro-Ahmadinejad Sites
06. Koobface Botnet Redirects Facebook's IP Space to my Blog
07. Standardizing the Money Mule Recruitment Process
08. Koobface Botnet Starts Serving Client-Side Exploits
09. The SMS Ransomware series - SMS Ransomware Displays Persistent Inline Ads; SMS Ransomware Source Code Now Offered for Sale; 3rd SMS Ransomware Variant Offered for Sale; 4th SMS Ransomware Variant Offered for Sale; 5th SMS Ransomware Variant Offered for Sale; 6th SMS Ransomware Variant Offered for Sale
10. The Koobface Gang Wishes the Industry "Happy Holidays"
This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog.
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Monday, January 04, 2010
Top Ten Must-Read DDanchev Posts For 2009

Top Ten Must-Read Posts at ZDNet's Zero Day for 2009
The end of the year naturally means a rush to come up with 'best of the best' top lists consisting of your finest content. However, based on personal observations, during the holidays season the short attention span of the average reader becomes even shorter with everyone looking forward to taking a well-deserved break. Therefore, the first working week of the new year appears to be the perfect moment to summarize some of my most insightful posts/analysis published at ZDNet's Zero Day for 2009.
The following ten posts have been featured due to their insightful content, comprehensiveness of the topic covered, and due to plain simple exclusivity in the time of their publishing. You will be, of course, missing the big picture if you don't keep track of Ryan Naraine's coverage.
Thank you for being a Zero Day reader!
01. Microsoft study debunks phishing profitability
02. Inside BBC's Chimera botnet
03. China's 'secure' OS Kylin - a threat to U.S offsensive cyber capabilities?
04. Microsoft study debunks profitability of the underground economy
05. Iranian opposition launches organized cyber attack against pro-Ahmadinejad sites - Related coverage
06. The Ultimate Guide to Scareware Protection
07. 'Anonymous' group attempts DDoS attack against Australian government (Operation Didgeridie)
08. Google's CAPTCHA experiment and the human factor
09. Does software piracy lead to higher malware infection rates?
10. Koobface botnet enters the Xmas season
Related posts:
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for January, 2009
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for February, 2009
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for March, 2009
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for April, 2009
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for May, 2009
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for June, 2009
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for July, 2009
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for August, 2009
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for September, 2009
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for October, 2009
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for November, 2009
Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for December, 2009
This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog.

Summarizing Zero Day's Posts for December

You can also go through previous summaries, as well as subscribe to my personal RSS feed, Zero Day's main feed, or follow all of ZDNet's blogs on Twitter.
01. Koobface botnet enters the Xmas season
02. How many people fall victim to phishing attacks?
03. Zeus crimeware using Amazon's EC2 as command and control server
04. Report: Google's reCAPTCHA flawed
05. FBI: Scareware distributors stole $150M
This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog.

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