Sunday, February 28, 2021

Dancho Danchev's Law Enforcement and OSINT Operation "Uncle George" - An Update

Dear blog readers,

I wanted to take the time and effort and elaborate more on some of the current activities behind my currently ongoing Law Enforcement and OSINT Operation "Uncle George" where I've managed to process and actively crawl approximately 1M of publicly accessible cybercrime forum community web sites for the purpose of enriching and actually distributing the Data Set to interested parties with the idea to assist U.S Law Enforcement and the U.S Intelligence Community on its way to properly respond to track down and prosecute the cybercriminals behind these campaigns.

The current state of Law Enforcement and OSINT Operation "Uncle George" is that I've been approached by several vendors including independent researchers who expressed interest in obtaining access to the Data Set for the purpose of data mining and enriching it.

I've also decided to share some recently produced graphs which basically represent a decent portion of popular keywords and topics that cybercriminals are busy discussing on the communities found in the original Law Enforcement and OSINT operation "Uncle George" cybercrime forum Data Set.

Users organizations and vendors interested in obtaining access to the Cybercrime Forum Data Set for 2019 can approach me at and I'd be happy to share a copy for research purposes and the actual enrichment process.

Sample screenshots of active cybercrime research intelligence and clustered words produced by me while working on my Law Enforcement and OSINT Operation "Uncle George":

Stay tuned!

Dancho Danchev's Disappearance - 2010 - Official Complaint Against Republic of Bulgaria - Part Two

Dear blog readers,

This is a quick note on my current situation in my home town in Troyan Bulgaria where I was originally kidnapped and home molested by three police offers from the local police department who stole my ID from my place and with no witnesses escorted my and locked me in a room in another town for a period of several months and injected me on a daily basis without anyone's knowledge and with no legal action and legal consequences from anyone including anyone from Republic of Bulgaria.

Bulgarian name of people involved in my kidnapping and illegal arrest including robbery 5 years later that used to act as local police inspectors in Troyan Police, Bulgaria circa 2010:

  • Марин Моев Маринов
  • Павлин Стоянов Георгиев
  • Красимир Михов Колев
  • Тихомир Найденов Славков\
  • Стефан Иванов Милев
  • Анатоли Пламенов Трифонов
  • Станимир Цочев Инковски
  • Иван Недялков Иванов
  • Мирослав Стойков Михайлов
  • Васил Моев Гачевски
  • Божидар Банков Петров
  • Веско Цветанов Минков
  • Момчил Стефанов Цочев
  • Минко Стоянов Минков
  • Георги Митков Илиев

Sample personal photo of my personal kidnapper circa 2010 from my place in Troyan, Bulgaria - Павлин Стоянов Георгиев (

Primary points of contacts in case someone is worried about well-being and whereabouts in this case should be:

Telefon za korupciq na slujiteli na MVR - 02 / 982 22 22
GDBOP - Signal za korupciq i izpirane na pari -
Nachalnik RPU Troyan -
Troyan Police - Email:
Troyan Hospital - Email:
Lovech Psychiatry Clinic - Email: 
Troyan Municipality - Email:

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