Friday, June 02, 2023

Assessing the Current State of Cyber and Cyber Military Deception Concepts Online - Part One

The overall state of today's modern cyber deception and cyber military deception online has to do with a maze of sophisticated and advanced asset camouflaging activities including a basically a state of overall cyber dominance and cyber power in the context of systematic professional and sophisticated control and distribution of information locally including internationally in the context of having others not just perceive but actually do something provoked or prompted by a sophisticated information campaign distributed in a classified or secret way.

The primary purpose behind coming up with this post is to shed more light into my understanding of the overall concept and to actually demonstrate and give relevant examples from the field.

Among the few basic concepts for starters in the field of cyber and military cyber deception next to information operations has to do with misperception where the very bottom of a specific concept is basically twisted to the point of having others do things and make impact in the information camping without really perceiving the true state of the process where others will eventually benefit from what you're initially prone to believe and will even greatly benefit from what you're actually about to do based on the specific information operation.

A closely kept secret and an information operation is everyone's surprise at a later stage when the actual implementation phase or actual maturity if any phase and finally the actual launch of the information operation takes place leading it to become everyone's surprise.

The very basics of cyber and cyber military deception has to do with a very but closely kept secret word and a phase where the ultimate reality is that this is a process known as on purposely or indirectly both consciously or on purpose making others think act upon or actually believe to a certain extend and take action basically the process known as a twisted reality.

Deliberate misleading
The process has to do with either attempting to trick or entice an individual or an organization into heading in the opposite direction or coming up with a process that can either sort of impose costs to its current upcoming and emerging both real life and cyber operations.

False represenation of environment
This is a relatively sophisticated process both in real life and in cyberspace that could ultimately lead to an utopian world or everyone's dream come true reality where we could have entire cyber populations both malicious and not malicious act think train and even educate themselves based on a wrongly perceived reality where the ultimate goal would be for someone to basically manage a cyber deception and cyber military deception information operation where the ultimate goal would be to launch and actually monitor its process throughout the decade.

Everything that's seen can be actually hidden
This is a relatively advanced and sophisticated approach that entices users and organizations into living in the other side of the world where the ultimate goal would be to portray a situation or a specific information operation where the ultimate goal would be to entice people and organizations into taking action based on the information operation.

Everything's that's ready is actually unready
This is a similar approach that could take into consideration the timelines of events and an individual's or an organization's development cycle for a specific purpose where the ultimate goal would be to launch an information operation.

A Brief Overview of U.S Cyber Command's Global Cyberspace Operations Synchronization (GCOS) Concept - Or Can We Make The Difference Between Real-Time and Synchronization in Cyberspace?

It should be clearly said that the current state of the U.S Cyber Command's overall Global Cyberspace Operations Synchronization (GCOS) Concept is fairly naïve and a bit childish in the context of what I can best describe as real-time cyberspace operations where the primary difference between synchronization and real-time can be best described like Feedburner vs OSINT as a concept where Feedburner despite being a well known product and a service is basically delivering its content and features using synchronization compared to other modern approaches given the fact that they can be achieved such as for instance real-time cyberspace operations where the ultimate goal would be to achieve the unachievable namely the use of real-time cyberspace operations compared to marely synchronizing them to achieve something that I won't really elaborate on such as for instance the surreal synchronization of U.S Cyber Command cyberspace operations compared to real-time cyberspace operations.

Real-time communications have to do with pushing the very boundaries of an individual or an organization sticking to common good where in most of the cases the common good can get someone in trouble.

I'll now proceed and give you a pretty decent of something that I'm unknowingly extremely good at and a process and a concept excluding the fact that it's not a process at all in case you can't or don't really know or bother to implement it but rather remains a bit of a commercial and a bit of a sophisticated practice known as military and cyberspace deception and cladestine and special cyber operations type of activity where the ultimate goal would be to eventually make people and folks laugh one way or another based on what can be truly achieved here.

Let's take a moment and give you a brief example on the process. Military and cyberspace deception and clandestine and special cyber operations activity as a concept has been around since the early days where I originally began preaching on the use of "People's Information Warfare" by Chinese hacktivists where the ultimate goal would be to crowdsource the actual bandwidth for a particular campaign to the massess and actually to sometimes unaware end users and organizations which believe it or not takes and it better doesn't to another direct namely the MakeLoveNotSpam project initiative dating back to 2004.

"Setting the globe" based type of scenario is a bit childish explanation of what global segments of synchronization really means compared to real-time cyberspace operations and what should be really considered here is the true nature of what real time really means in the global context of cyberspace operations.

The Ransomware "Epidemic" - Or How To Strike Back?

Not only did we live to see it we're actually living and taking actions one way or another to see it and yes it's the ransomware "epidemic" that I'm referring to and which I'll try to expose in this post by not only providing the typical for me technical details and related action and response initiatives that I've launched in the process but also provide a relevant and in-depth understanding of the modern concept greatly inspired by a free resources which I came across to on Twitter today namely - Ransomchats which is outstanding and almost unbelievable initiative that offers an in-depth peek inside the supposedly secret chat conversations between ransomware "customer support" and the multi-billion dollar victim which in this case is a reality.

Greatly inspired by the general availability of this free resource I've decided to dig a little bit deeper inside these publicly accessible of what appears to be proprietary conversations using a popular tool which I'm using to cluster and produce graphs of current and ongoing conversations between the bad guys that I come across to and provide my point of view on a surreal problem that's being fought with the wrong resources and technical means to begin with and further elaborate and actually share the results of a sample experiment that I did on the topic in basically my spare time.

Sample graphs based on the recently released communication courtesy of the Ransomchats project: