Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Unbreakable CAPTCHA

In response to the continuing evidence of how spammers are efficiently breaking the CAPTCHAs of popular free email service providers in order to abuse their clean IP reputation, and already validated authenticity through the use of DomainKeys and SenderID frameworks, someone has finally came up with an unbreakable CAPTCHA.

If it only weren't a hoax, it would have even solved the human CAPTCHA solvers problem, whose sessions would have probably expired due to their inability to solve it.

Related posts:

Vladuz's Ebay CAPTCHA Populator

Spammers and Phishers Breaking CAPTCHAs

DIY CAPTCHA Breaking Service

Which CAPTCHA Do You Want to Decode Today?

Obfuscating Fast-fluxed SQL Injected Domains

It's all a matter of how you put it, and putting it like represents a good example of tactical warfare, namely, combining different tactics for the sake of making it harder to keep track of the impact of a particular SQL injection campaign. Consider the following examples of obfuscated domains, naturally being in a fast-flux in the time of the SQL injection that several Chinese script kiddies were taking advantage of :

%6b%6b%36%2e%75%73 -

%73%61%79%38%2E%75%73 -

%66%75%63%6B%75%75%2E%75%73 -

%61%2E%6B%61%34%37%2E%75%73 -

%61%31%38%38%2E%77%73 -

%33%2E%74%72%6F%6A%61%6E%38%2E%63%6F%6D -

%6D%31%31%2E%33%33%32%32%2E%6F%72%67 -

As always, these obfuscations are just the tip of the iceberg considering the countless number of other URL obfuscations techniques that spammers and phishers used to take advantage of on a large scale. For the time being, one of the main reasons we're not seeing massive SQL injections using such obfuscations is mostly because the feature hasn't been implemented in popular SQL injectors for copycat script kiddies to take advantage of. However, with the potential for evasion of common detection approaches, it's only a matter of personal will for someone to add this extra layer to ensure the survivability of the campaign.

The folks behind these obfuscations are naturally multitasking on several different underground fronts. Take for instance ( also responding to which is also injected at several domains, to be precise. The fake .gif file in the spirit of fake directory listings for acquiring traffic in order to serve malware, is actually attempting to exploit a RealPlayer vulnerability - JS/RealPlr.LB!exploit. The deeper you go, the uglier it gets.

Related posts:

Yet Another Massive SQL Injection Spotted in the Wild

Malware Domains Used in the SQL Injection Attacks

SQL Injection Through Search Engines Reconnaissance

Google Hacking for Vulnerabilities

Fast-Fluxing SQL injection attacks executed from the Asprox botnet

Sony PlayStation's site SQL injected, redirecting to rogue security software

Redmond Magazine Successfully SQL Injected by Chinese Hacktivists