Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Backdoording Cyber Jihadist Ebooks for Surveillance Purposes

It appears that cyber jihadists are striking back at the academic and intelligence community, by binding their propaganda Ebooks with malware, then distributing them across different forums, thanks to a recently analyzed Ebook entitled "The Al-Qaeda network's timely entrance in Palestine" distributed by the Global Islamic Media Front - hat tip to Warintel.

If it were posted by a newly joined forum member, it would have logically raises the suspicion that it's in fact intelligence agencies spreading malware infected Ebooks around cyber jihadist forums, but it's since this one in particular is being distributed by what looks like a hardcore cyber jihadist, it brings the discussion to a whole new level.

What are they trying to achive? Abuse the already established trust of their readers and cyber jihadist supporters in order to snoop on their Internet activities, or it's the academic and intelligence community they are trying to monitor? In times when botnets can be rented and created on demand, they seem to be more interested in infecting their enemies. Moreover, I suspect that prior to the forum posting, private messages and emails were automatically sent to notify members whose number of posts at the forum greate outpace those of average observers, perhaps the target in such an attack.

The malware is detected by 9 out of 33 antivirus scanners as Trojan.Midgare.gra. Consider reading a previous post on "Terror on the Internet - Conflict of Interest" as well as through the related posts summarizing all the cyber jihadist research I've conducted so far.

Fake Porn Sites Serving Malware

Ah, that RBN with its centralization mentality for the sake of ease of management and 99.999% uptime. In this very latest example of using malicious doorways redirecting to fake porn sites, consisting of over twenty different domains serving the usual Zlob malware variants, we have a decent abuse of a template for a porn site.

The easy of management of such domain farms and the availability of templates for high trafficked topic segments such as celebrities and pornography, continue contributing to the increasing number of Zlob variants served through fake codecs. Moreover, once set up, the malicious infrastructure starts attracting now just generic search traffic, but also traffic coming from affiliates with whom revenue is shared on the basis of the number of people that downloaded the codec.

In this campaign, the malicious doorway that expands the entire ecosystem is located at ( A redirector that appears to have been operating since 2006, according to this forum posting.

What follows on-the-fly, are all the fake porn sites whose legitimately looking videos attempt to download a Zlob malware variant from a single location - Here are all the fake porn sites, and the associated campaigns in this redirection :

watchnenjoy .com/index.php?id=1287&style=white
craziestclips .com/index.php?id=1287&q=
immensevids .com
planetfreepornmovies .com/?t=1&id=1219
poweradult .net/edmund/16551689/1/&id=1219
scan-porn .net/rosalyn/1742941675/1/&id=1219
about-adult .net/emiline/108846601/1/&id=1219
service-porn .com/inde/964842117/1/&id=1219
pleasure-porn .com/elnora/648311952/1/&id=1219
porn-the .net/verge/1734135233/1/&id=1219
porn-pleasure .net/dal/1663381205/1/&id=1219
scan-porn .net/gretchen/515268975/1/&id=1219
abc-adult .com/lillah/1467790484/1/&id=1219
about-adult .net/jenne/434165228/1/&id=1219
look-adult .net/ette/681831796/1/&id=1219
about-adult .net/mime/65729013/1/&id=1219
name-adult .net/alfe/550398461/1/&id=1219
group-adult .net/demerias/867452637/1/&id=1219
useporn .net/rhode/167691118/1/&id=1219
porn-look .net/hephsibah/1254235416/1/&id=1219
scan-porn .net/hence/1684651134/1/&id=1219
abc-adult .com/kendra/371598555/1/&id=1219
name-adult .net/link/1334727639/1/&id=1219
porn-the .net/flo/84660854/1/&id=1219
porn-popular .com/assene/875893411/1/&id=1219
about-adult .net/charlotta/972714195/1/&id=1219
porn-comp .com/orlando/761508522/1/&id=1219
useporn .net/jemima/1405735776/1/&id=1219
about-adult .net/obadiah/263904242/1/&id=1219
group-adult .net/douglas/1110779475/1/&id=1219
porn-look .net/lydde/1844064103/1/&id=1219
pleasure-porn .com/marcia/1627490290/1/&id=1219
service-porn .com/cono/295680123/1/&id=1219
group-adult .net/wes/1733468207/1/&id=1219
abc-adult .com/wib/648341815/1/&id=1219
scan-porn .net/greg/2064937302/1/&id=1219
contact-adult .net/maris/33184936/1/&id=1219
look-adult .net/regina/1273816838/1/&id=1219
abc-adult .com/gwendolyn/869744046/1/&id=1219
service-porn .com/carthaette/1021629112/1/&id=1219
scan-porn .net/ninell/1522355420/1/&id=1219
porn-pleasure .net/waldo/755290223/1/&id=1219
porn-the .net/green/669090607/1/&id=1219
try-adult .com/lula/447057398/1/&id=1219
visit-adult .net/jay/1021153563/1/&id=1219
contact-adult .net/rosa/849017739/1/&id=1219
name-adult .net/hannah/2111126283/1/&id=1219
about-adult .net/robin/2114086747/1/&id=1219
scan-porn .net/geraldine/921262381/1/&id=1219
contact-adult .net/christine/1821111087/1/&id=1219
porn-popular .com/frederica/364993202/1/&id=1219
about-adult .net/kerste/735582753/1/&id=1219
porn-the .net/vine/715820953/1/&id=1219
porn-the .net/newt/1835463160/1/&id=1219
try-adult .com/max/602914725/1/&id=1219
porn-pleasure .net/cille/1420660046/1/&id=1219
poweradult .net/phililpa/178057959/1/&id=1219
name-adult .net/lise/1379126759/1/&id=1219
pleasure-porn .com/marianne/1083617952/1/&id=1219
poweradult .net/emile/1173468576/1/&id=1219
useporn .net/patse/155685496/1/&id=1219
helpporn .net/verna/625840253/1/&id=1219
name-adult .net/aubrey/190928373/1/&id=1219
about-adult .net/alphinias/1345158043/1/&id=1219
useporn .net/rosa/223743611/1/&id=1219
pleasure-porn .com/nerva/1509620489/1/&id=1219
helpporn .net/leet/1619667733/1/&id=1219
about-adult .net/roberta/887345003/1/&id=1219
porn-pleasure .net/tore/1032556395/1/&id=1219
useporn .net/bo/1963737386/1/&id=1219
porn-look .net/karon/136085893/1/&id=1219
poweradult .net/tense/1523522750/1/&id=1219
poweradult .net/hopp/1955964399/1/&id=1219
scan-porn .net/vanne/350822489/1/&id=1219
porn-comp .com/deb/1451360694/1/&id=1219
about-adult .net/moll/1511640690/1/&id=1219
porn-popular .com/obediah/562846948/1/&id=1219
helpporn .net/tamarra/776122096/1/&id=1219
pleasure-porn .com/aristotle/1046422029/1/&id=1219
porn-comp .com/titia/158157566/1/&id=1219
group-adult .net/gay/1297835054/1/&id=1219
porn-look .net/katherine/2136357734/1/&id=1219
helpporn .net/azubah/1197502147/1/&id=1219
porn-comp .com/claes/770105101/1/&id=1219

Associated fake porn sites :

pornbrake .com
sexnitro .net

brakesex .net

pornnitro .net

adultbookings .com

qazsex .com

lightporn .net
delfiporn .net

pornqaz .com

megazporn .com

uinsex .com

xerosex .com
serviceporn .com

aboutadultsex .com

superliveporn .com

bestpriceporn .com

contactporn .net

relatedporn .com

landporno .com

adultsper .com

plus-porn .com

adultstarworld .com

cutadult .com
moviexxxhotel .com

porno-go .com

pornxxxfilm .com

porn-sea .com

review-sex .com

sureadult .com

browseadult .com

network-adult .com

timeadult .com

virtual-sexy .net

funxxxporn .com
loweradult .com

adultfilmsite .com

xxxallvideo .com

custom-sex .com

allerypictures .net
usaadultvideo .com

adultmovieplus .com
porn-cruise .com

clubxxxvideo .com

mitadult .com

galleryalbum .net

xxxteenfilm .com

hardcorevideosite .com

helpadult .com

portaladult .net

service-sex .com

driveadult .com

access-porno .com

time-sex .com

plus-adult .com

worldadultvideo .com

key-adult .com
estatesex .com
superadultfriend .com

superporncity .com
zero-porno .com

scanadult .com

adultsexpro .com

adultzoneworld .com

porntimeguide .com

usbestporn .com

adulttow .com

look-porn .com

galleryclick .net
micro-sex .com
estatesex .com

try-sex .com

0bucksforpornmovie .com

gays-video-xxx .com

hackthegrid .com

savetop .info

vidsplanet .net

freexxxhere .com

gestkoeporno .com

tv-adult .info
gays-adult-video .com

matures-video .com

analcekc .com

tabletskard .in

molodiedevki .com

dom-porno .com

pornoaziatki .com

latinosvideo .com

geiporno .com

sweetfreeporn .com

If exposing a huge domains portfolio of currently active redirectors has the potential to ruin someone's vacation, then consider someone's vacation ruined already.

Related posts:
Underground Multitasking in Action
Fake Celebrity Video Sites Serving Malware
Blackhat SEO Redirects to Malware and Rogue Software
Malicious Doorways Redirecting to Malware
A Portfolio of Fake Video Codecs