Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Login Details for Foreign Embassies in the Wild

Login details for international embassies have been in the wild since August 30th in a full disclosure style :

"Here is a list with working passwords to exactly 100 email-accounts to Embassies and Governments around the world. Yes it’s the real deal and still working when we are posting this. So why in the world would anyone publish this kind of information? Because seriously, I’m not going to call the president of Iran and tell him that I got access to all their embassies. I’m DEranged, not suicidal! He has bombs and stuff…"

The researcher's main motivation behind releasing these is that there's no point in contacting the email owners directly as no one would take his emails seriously enought and change them, so by going full disclosure it would prompt the embassies in question to change the passwords. Dan Egerstad may be quite right, at least on the passwords changing issue. Could these email accounts be accessed globally and if yes why? For instance, could Uzbekistan's embassy in London successfully login into Uzbekistan's embassy in Moscow, and even worse, could a host not belonging to the embassy's network access these mailboxes for flexibility? If yes, there're way too many ways this data could have been obtained. While going through the accounting data, we could both confirm that best practices for strong passwords are place at some embassies, and also question the lack of such best practices at certain ones, a security measure that works against brute forcing attempts, but is totally irrelevant when it comes to keylogging and sniffing.

Many people would logically consider the possibility of abusing these login details by obtaining the content of the mailboxes. However, another perspective worth keeping in mind is the use of this login data as the foundation for targeted attacks on a embassy-to-embassy basis, the way we've seen it happen before.

DIY Exploits Embedding Tools - a Retrospective

Great analysis by the Spywareguide folks -- Chris Boyd and Peter Jayaraj in this assessment -- especially my deja vu moment with the King's IE Exploiter tool which I intented to cover in an upcoming post, in a combination with a brief retrospective of exploit and malware embedding tools that were empowering entire generations of script kiddies during the last couple of years. These tools are a great example of what the DIY trend used to look like before malicious economies of scale were embraced in the form of today's modular and efficiency-centered malware kits we're aware of.

-- The IE Exploiter v1.0/2.0

The tool is first know to have emerged back in 2002, with its latest version released in 2004. It was first branded as the "Fearless IE Exploiter" and then returned back to it's original name. Description of the v1.0 : "Fearless IE Exploiter allows you to embed executable files into HTML documents, that when viewed in an unpatched version of Internet Explorer 5.* will automatically download and execute the .exe". And the description of v2.0 : "IE Exploiter v2 is a very simple tool that creates a HTML file with an embedded executable file. Once the HTML file is viewed the executable file will overwrite notepad.exe on the target system and then execute it using the view-source: prefix."

Result: 22/32 (68.75%)
File size: 149359 bytes
MD5: 315cd35aa5a0334697832e83fac7b0dc
SHA1: 71a7929f7781d969a63e532cd8cd877940a2ca12

-- King's IE Exploiter

King's IE Exploiter is an Arabic DIY exploit embedding tool released around 2004. Despite that the malware embedded sites generated on-the-fly come totally unobfuscated, we will yet wait and see the eventual release of such feature.

Result: 6/32 (18.75%)
File size
: 253440 bytes
MD5: e6052d3abf95429fd761feef0a695470
SHA1: 9f91e21bf9e8898a09c36b31bb1f5afff3cb8f35

-- Zephyrus

Again relased around 2004, the description reads : "Its a prove of concept tool to generate a Stench MediaPlayer Exploit file more infos about stench can be found here http://malware.com or at here AVP calls it exploit.win32.zephyrus"

Result: 30/32 (93.75%)

-- God's Will

The description reads : "A GODMESSAGE page is an HTML page that works with an ACTIVEX bug founded in IE5.5/OUTLOOK/OUTLOOK EXPRESS. Thanks to this bug when someone view our godmessaged page he downloads an HTA file in his STARTUP FOLDER.'

Result: 32/32 (100%)

-- Ed Html Infector

The description of the tool circa 2004 reads : "Ed HTML Infector is a very simple tool that creates HTML file with an embedded executable file within."

Result: 14/32 (43.75%)
File size: 118784 bytes
MD5: 94c642903318f89d410c64d46f2047aa
SHA1: b834cd34283e541dccb5aad81fb49ca97adbb48c