Monday, August 22, 2011

Summarizing ZDNet's Zero Day Posts for July

The following is a brief summary of all of my posts at ZDNet's Zero Day for July. You can subscribe to my personal RSS feed, Zero Day's main feed, or follow me on Twitter:

01.'Leaked Video of Casey Anthony CONFESSING to Lawyer!' scam spreading on Facebook
02. Anonymous leaks 90,000+ emails from compromised military contractor Booz Allen Hamilton
03. 'This girl must be Out of her Mind to do this on live Television!' scam spreading on Facebook
04. Spamvertised bank statements serving scareware
05. Internet Explorer 9 outperforms competing browsers in malware blocking test
06.'Leaked Video! Amy Winehouse on Crack hours before death' scam spreading on Facebook
07.Pfizer's Facebook hacked by AntiSec
08. 90,000+ pages compromised in mass iFrame injection attack
09. Amazon's cloud services systematically exploited by cybercriminals

This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog. Follow him on Twitter.