Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Legitimate Software Typosquatted in SMS Micro-Payment Scam

Operating since 2008, the fraudulent tactics applied by Soletto Group, S.A also known as Netlink Network Corp, greatly remind of those applied by Interactive Brands also known as IBSOFTWARE CYPRUS; IB Softwares and most recently Euclid Networks Ltd -- you have to appreciate the irony here since they too multitask on multiple fronts through their official phone number since 2007 -- in particular their massive typosquatted domain farms where they'd would change and repeatedly charge without permission once someone falls victim into the fraudulent practice.

What Soletto Group, S.A or Netlink Network Corp (phone (0) 2071939823) does differently is the use of micro sms payment scam having operated the SMS numbers 78881 and 81039 in the past in order to offer a download service for legitimate software in the following way:


Who's typosquatted anyway? Pretty much each and every popular piece of software there is. From Kaspersky, NOD32, Malware Bytes, Avira, AVAST, BitDefender, to Firefox, BitTorrent, Microsoft Office, Winzip, Winrar, and Internet Explorer - for starters.

Here's a complete list of their domains farm, with hosting services courtesy of Rapidswitch Ltd:

nod32soft .info
malware-bytes .info
www-avasthome .com
www.www-avasthome .com
kaspersky-full .info
www-kaspersky .info
malware-bytes .info
www.avira-antivir .info
bitdefender-plus .info
office2007-full .info
sopcast-full .info
lphant-plus .info

adobeacrobat-plus .info
bitcomet-plus .info
bitdefender-plus .info
bittorrent-plus .info
elisoft-plus .info
mediaplayer-plus .info
messenger-msn-9 .com
messenger-msn-9 .info
messenger-msn-9 .org
messenger-msn .org
messenger-plus .net
moviemaker-plus .info
msn-messenger-9 .com
msn-messenger-9 .info
msn-messenger-9 .net
msn-messenger-9 .org
openoffice-plus .info
photoscape-plus .info
sopcast-plus .info
utorrent-plus .info
3gpconverter-plus .info
3gpconvertersoft .info
ares-2008 .org
ares-2009 .com

ares-2009 .net
ares-net .org
avira-net .info
bitcomet-plus .info
bitorrent .cc
bittorrent-net .info
bittorrent-plus .info
direct-x .cc
divx-player-plus .info
e-mule .nu
elisoft-plus .info
emule-2008 .net
emule-proyect .info
emulenet .net
iexplorer-full .info
iphonefull .com
javaruntime .net
lyrics2 .me
malware-bytes .info
mediaplayer-full .info
mediaplayer-plus .info
mesengerplus .org
messenger-9 .net
messenger-plus .net
messenger-soft .info

moviemaker-plus .info
msn-messenger-9 .net
msn-messenger-9 .org
nero-2008 .com
nerohome .net
nod-32 .net
nod32-net .info
office2007-ful l.info
openoffice-plus .info
photoscape-plus .info
photoscapesoft .info
pspvideo9 .info
sorpresor .com
spybotsearch-full .info
utorrent-net .info
virtualdj-soft .info
vlc-full .info
vvinrar .com

vvinrar .info
winamp-2009 .net
winamp .ws
windows-movie-maker .info
winrar-2008 .com
wiinzip .info
cdburnerxpsoft .info
www-emule .us
ultradefrag .us
bearflix .us
guitar-pro .us
messenger-2009 .us
emule-telecharger .us
aresnet .us
emulenet .us
emulepro .us
nerohome .us
vvinrar .us
aresfull .us
avastt .us
biaze .us
e-bitdefender .us

e-bitorrent .us
e-mule .us
flrefox .us
messengerhome .us
utorent .us
utorren .us
winzipp .us
cccpcodecs .org
ares-2008 .org
pdf-creator .org
limevvire .org
mesengerplus .org
w-ares .org
w-emule .org
www-3gpconverter .org
www-advanced .org
www-emule .org
www-messenger .org
www-realplayer .org
www-windowsmediaplayer .org
ares-3 .org
ares-net .org
chroome .org
emule-pro .org
messenger-msn-9 .org

A similar fraudulent Google AdWords scheme was exposed and taken care of in January. The fraudster back then was using a legitimate third-party revenue sharing toolbar installation program which was bundled within the legitimate software. In Soletto Group, S.A's case they aim to cut any intermediaries on their way to generate profit.

Rapidswitch Ltd has been informed of Soletto Group, S.A's brandjacking activities.

This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog.

The Multitasking Fast-Flux Botnet that Wants to Bank With You

From a Chase phishing campaign, to a bogus Microsoft update, and an exploit serving spam campaign using a "Who Killed Michael Jackson?" theme prior to his death (go through related Michael Jackson malware campaigns), to a currently ongoing phishing campaign impersonating the United Services Automobile Association (USAA), the gang behind this botnet has been actively multitasking during the past two months.

The spam message is as follows:
"Michael Jackson Was Killed... But Who Killed Michael Jackson? Visit X-Files to see the answer: MJackson.kilijj .com/x-files", upon clicking on it the user is redirected to two exploit serving domains - ogzhnsltk .com/plugins/index.php ( Email: osaltik@windowslive.com); and dogankomurculuk .com/stil/index.php ( - Email: by.yasin@msn.com).

Through the use of an Office Snapshot Viewer exploit the user is the exposed to a downloader (x-file-MJacksonsKiller.exe) which attempts to drop a copy of the Zeus malware from labormi .com/lbrc/lbr.bin ( The following is an extensive list of the participating domains, as well as the currently active and fast-fluxing DNS servers part of the botnet:

List of participating domains:
kilij1 .com
ilkil1 .com
ilkifi .com
kili1j .com
kil1jj .com
ki1ijj .com
kikijj .com
k1lijj .com
kilijj .com
1ilikj .com
ilki1k .com
ilk1lk .com
i1kilk .com
ilkilk .com

kilij1 .net
ilkil1 .net
kili1j .net
kil1jj .net
ki1ijj .net
k1lijj .net
kilijj .net
1ilikj .net
ilki1k .net
ilk1lk .net
i1kilk .net
ilkilk .net
ilifi.com .mx
1ffli.com .mx
iljihli.com .mx
hhili.com .mx
hilli.com .mx
kiffil.com .mx

Michael Jackson related subdomains:
mjackson.ijjik1 .com
mjackson.ijjil1. com
mjackson.kjjil1 .com
mjackson.ikjil1 .com
mjackson.ijkil1 .com
mjackson.ijjkl1 .com
mjackson.ikilij .com
mjackson.ikklij .com
mjackson.ikilkj .com
mjackson.ikilfk .com

mjackson.ijjilk .com
mjackson.ijjill .com
mjackson.ijjik1 .net
mjackson.ijjil1 .net
mjackson.ikjil1 .net
mjackson.ijkil1 .net
mjackson.ijjkl1 .net
mail.ikilij .net
mjackson.ikilij .net
mjackson.ilifi .com.mx
mjackson.iljihli .com.mx
mjackson.hhili .com.mx
mjackson.hilli .com.mx

Microsoft related subdomains:
update.microsoft.com .h1hili.com
update.microsoft.com .ijlk1j.com
update.microsoft.com .hillij.com
update.microsoft.com .hillkj.com
update.microsoft.com .ikillif.net
update.microsoft.com .jikikji.net
update.microsoft.com .hillij.net
update.microsoft.com .hillik.net
update.microsoft.com .ikihill.net
update.microsoft.com .ilifi.com.mx
update.microsoft.com .iljihli.com.mx
update.microsoft.com .hilli.com.mx
update.microsoft.com .kiffil.com.mx

USAA.com related phishing subdomains:
www.usaa.com.kihhif .com
www.usaa.com.kihhih .com
www.usaa.com.kihhik .com
www.usaa.com.kihhil .com
www.usaa.com.kihhik .net
www.usaa.com.kihhil .net
www.usaa.com.hilli.com .mx
www.usaa.com.frtll.com .mx
www.usaa.com.mrtll.com .mx

DNS Servers of notice:
ns1.vine-prad .com
ns2.vine-prad .com
ns1.blacklard .com
ns1.fax-multi .com
ns2.fax-multi .com
ns1.rondonman .com
ns2.rondonman .com
ns1.host-fren .com
ns2.host-fren .com
ns1.hotboxnet .com
ns2.hotboxnet .com
ns1.free-domainhost .com
ns2.free-domainhost .com
ns1.sunthemoow .com

ns2.sunthemoow .com
ns1.high-daily .com
ns2.high-daily .com
ns1.otorvald .net
ns1.red-bul .net
ns2.red-bul .net
ns1.footdoor .net
ns1.bestdodgeros .net
ns2.bestdodgeros .net
ns1.azdermen .com
ns2.azdermen .com
ns1.departconsult .com
ns2.departconsult .com
ns1.torentwest .com
ns2.torentwest .com
ns1.downlloadfile .net
ns2.downlloadfile .net

Due to this botnet's involvement with several other malware campaigns of notice, as well as its evident connection with the ongoing monitoring of several particular cybecrime groups, analysis and updates will be posted as soon as they emerge.

Related posts:
Money Mule Recruiters use ASProx's Fast Fluxing Services
Managed Fast Flux Provider - Part Two
Managed Fast Flux Provider
Storm Worm's Fast Flux Networks
Fast Flux Spam and Scams Increasing
Fast Fluxing Yet Another Pharmacy Spam
Obfuscating Fast Fluxed SQL Injected Domains
Storm Worm Hosting Pharmaceutical Scams
Fast-Fluxing SQL injection attacks executed from the Asprox botnet

This post has been reproduced from Dancho Danchev's blog.