"for district courts all across the United States with the intent of improving national security by reducing the amount of time it takes for our public guardians to create search warrants."
Sarcasm's most effective when having a point.
Independent Contractor. Bitcoin: 15Zvie1j8CjSR52doVSZSjctCDSx3pDjKZ Email: dancho.danchev@hush.com OMEMO: ddanchev@conversations.im | OTR: danchodanchev@xmpp.jp | TOX ID: 2E6FCA35A18AA76B2CCE33B55404A796F077CADA56F38922A1988AA381AE617A15D3D3E3E6F1
Rule number one of thermonuclear war, launch your ICBMs as soon as you hear the Defcon 1 alert, or you risk lossing your silos due to the AIs "shooting into the dark" or conducting reconnaissance, however, keep one silo -- each has 10 ICBMs reaching anywhere on the map -- as you wouldn't be able to hit the biggest cities by the time you don't neutralize the surrounding air-defense. Submarines are sneaky and very powerful with each holding 5 missiles, but firing occures if the target is within range so make sure you position yourself where you should be. Sea and air-to-air battles are very common and there aren't any land conflicts at all. Make sure you don't fire from numerous submarines simultaneously, as if there's a figher in the air it will detect and attack the submarrine. On the other hand, use fighters to distract the air-defense firing at them while your ICBMs pass through and reach their target.
If I were to descibe the WarGames simulation in two words, that would be, tense and very addictive. Moreover, you don't need a multi-million game or movie budget to make an impression, as this game, and "The Day After" do. Goodbye Europe -- alliances are a powerful force given you convince some AIs to ally with you, but at the end there could be only one winner.Cloud courtesy of the main blog index and density of the keywords.
Rather primitive suggestion compared to the alternatives, it sounds more of a loyal jihadist trying to demonstrate his determination of making an impact. The other day I came across to an article mentioning the possibility of "suicidal hackers", that is hackers who doesn't care whether they'll be caught or not in a possible information warfare scenario -- chinese hackers have been utilizing the power of masses, thus disinforming on the actual sophistication of the attack and directing the traceback efforts to script kiddies.
However, in this case that's an example of a suicidal jihadist.