Thursday, March 22, 2007

Tricking an UAV's Thermal Imagery

Give me a hug so that we become "thermally one" for the thermal paparazi to see. When you know how it works you can either improve, abuse or destroy it. Very interesting abuse of technology by the people knowing how it works :

"The Marines cuffed Awad and took him to a nearby bomb crater. At this point the drone approached for its first pass overhead. One of the group moved forward and dug a hole at the crater, while the others posed with Awad behind a wall. The recorded thermal imagery from the aircraft seemed to show troops watching an insurgent digging by the road, perhaps to place a bomb. After the drone had passed, the group moved Awad forward to the hole. But at this point the surveillance platform returned, so one of the Marines wrapped himself around Awad so as to create a single thermal signature, disguising the captive's presence."

If you're under thermal surveillance a cold shower's your invisibility coat if one's available. Wired has some photos on this story.

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