Monday, April 21, 2008

The Rise of Kosovo Defacement Groups

There's no better way to assess the incident that still haven't made it into the mainstream media, but to violate defacement group's OPSEC, by obtaining internal metrics for defaced sites on behalf of a particular group. According to this screenshot, released by one of the members of the Kosovo Hackers Group, a group that's been defacement beneath the radar as of recently, the mass deface included 300 sites, and on the 13th of April, Quebec's Common Ground Alliance site got also defaced by the group. Web application vulnerabilities in a combination with SQL injecting web backdoors is what is greatly contributing to the success of newly born defacement groups. And of course, commercially obtainable tools as you can see one of the bookmarks in the screenshot, indicating the use of such.

The rise of this particular group greatly showcases the cyclical pattern of cyber conflicts as the extensions of propaganda, PSYOPs and demonstration of power online, most interestingly the fact that at the beginning of their capabilities development process, they target everyone, everywhere, to later on move to more targeted attacks to greatly improve the effectiveness of the PSYOPs motives.

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