With The Africa Middle Market Fund's site monetized by web site defacers who defaced it "in between" the blackhat SEO infrastructure they were hosting internally, in this I'll comment on the currently compromised and redirection to a fake porn sites, Camara Municipal de Amparo (camaraamparo.sp.gov.br/r.html). Basically, it's homepage is heavily linking to the Zlob variant (camaraamparo.sp.gov.br/ video.exe) in between loading an IFRAME to index.php. As always, upon uploading their redirector, they've build enough confidence into their new hosting provider that the link to the redirector was instantly spammed across the web. The site is so heavily linking to the internal redirector itself, that upon clicking on the majority of links the user will inevitably come across it.
Speaking of fake porn sites redirecting to Zlob variants, here are the very latest additions spammed across the web through blackhat SEO practices :
mypornmovies .net
moms-galls .net
porntubefilms .com
porntubedot .com
hot-porntube .com
landmovieblog .com
sexvidtube .com
freelifevideo .com
getyourfreemovie .com
iubat .com
sweetyjoly .com
hardbizarre .com
freeworldvideo .net
hot-porntube .net
qualitymovies .net
porntube1con .net
video-info .net
videocityblog .com
fuckedolder .com
highpro1 .com
max-graf.com .pl
grandsupertds .info
hot-porn-tube .net
hot-porntube .com
terryschulz .com
show-sextube .com
qualitymovies .net
clubvideos .net
No matter the high profile site that's been exploited in order to participate in such malicious operations, for the time being, crunching out new domain names and using the hosting services of the well known ISPs neglecting their removal, seems to be the tactic of choice. The long tail of SQL injected sites is however, clearly replacing the plain simple blackhat SEO web spamming, so that traffic to these rogue sites is driven through redirection of the the traffic from legitimate sites.
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