Monday, September 09, 2019

Join Me on Patreon Community!

Dear blog readers,

I decided to let everyone know that I've recently launched my own Patreon Community Page with the idea to let everyone know that I'm currently busy crowd-funding a high-profile upcoming Cyber Security Investment Project - and I would love to hear from you more details about your thoughts regarding new Tier Features and whether or not you could make a possible long-term type of financial donation or sponsorship regarding my research and my security expertise.

The current status of the project:
- I'm currently busy soliciting additional input from colleagues regarding upcoming Tier Features
- I'm currently busy reaching out to colleagues to possibly convert them to Patreon Sponsors
- I'm currently busy working on a high-profile Security Podcast
- I'm currently busy working on a high-profile Security Newsletter

Has my research helped you or your organization in the past? Have you been a long-time blog reader? Have you learned something new? Did my active cybercrime and nation-state actor profiling helped you excel in your career path? Are you happy with what you're seeing? Dare to take a moment and refer a colleague or an organization my personal blog including my Patreon Community Page including a possible Patreon Sponsor request confirmation?

Looking forward to hearing from you at -
