AS29371 - gaztranzitstroyinfo LLC - based in Russia, Sankt Peterburg, Kropotkina 1, office 299, is one of them. Let's "drill" for some malicious activity at GazTranzitStroyInfo, and demonstrate how cybercriminals are converging different hosting providers to increase the lifecycle of their campaigns.

Let's detail some malicious activity found at GazTranzitStroyInfo. The following are redirectors to live exploits/zeus config files/scareware found within AS29371 and pushed through blackhat SEO and web site compromises:
forexsec .cn
vitamingood .cn
bookadorable .cn
drawingstyle .cn
housedomainname .cn
workfuse .cn
schoolh .cn
rainfinish .cn
housevisual .cn
worksean .cn
liteauction .cn
newtransfer .cn
oceandealer .cn
musicdomainer .cn
websiteflower .cn
designroots .cn
islandtravet .cn
litefront .cn
clubmillionswow .cn
softwaresupport-group .com -
bestfindahome .cn
dastrealworld .ru
elantrasantrope .ru
borishoffbibi .ru
sandiiegoexpo .ru
nightplayauto .ru
startdontstop .ru
nicdaheb .cn -
sehmadac .cn
vavgurac .cn
tixleloc .cn
xidsasuc .cn
cuzlumif .cn
teyrebuf .cn
hifgejig .cn
tukhemaj .cn
rogkadej .cn
wuhwasum .cn
sipcojeq .cn
tixwagoq .cn
silzefos .cn
popyodiw .cn
cakpapaz .cn

addedantivirusonline .com -
addedantivirusstore .com
For instance, a sampled domain such as housedomainname .cn/in.cgi?6 redirects us to securityonlinedirect .com/scan.php?affid=02083 which is serving scareware with hosting courtesy of AS10929 Netelligent Hosting Services Inc, which in case you remember popped-up in the Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Twenty. At securityonlineworld .com ( we also have a portfolio of scareware domains:
thestabilityweb .com
securityonlineworld .com
websecuritypolice .com
wwwsafeexamine .com
dynamicstabilityexamine .com
networkstabilityexamine .com
safetyscansite .com
onlinesafetyscansite .com
securityscansite .com
stabilityonlineskim .com
socialsecurityscan .com
securityexamination .com
internetsecuritymetrics .com
onlinebrandsecuritys .com
securityonlinedirect .com
scanstabilityinternet .com
stabilityaudit .com
websecuritybureau .com
safewebsecurity .com
webbrowsersecurity .com
futureinternetsecurity .com
superiorinternetsecurity .com
The fake codec at video-info .info (AS29371 - gaztranzitstroyinfo LLC) is in fact downloaded from kir-fileplanet .com - (AS48841; EUROHOST-NET) where more malicious activity is easily detected at:
downloadmax .org -
hd-codec .com
shotgol .com
kauitour .com
coecount .com
countbiz .com
videoaaa .net
7stepsmedia .net
ispartof .net
amoretour .net
browardcount .net
trucount3000 .com -;
trucount3001 .com
trucount3002 .com
onlinescanxppp .com
onlinescanxpp .com
onlinescanxp .com
free-webscaners .com
In cybercriminals I don't trust.
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