Every coin has two sides, and while China has long embraced
unrestricted warfare and
people's information warfare for conducting cyber espionage, China's networked infrastructure is also under attack, and is logically used as stepping stone to hit others country's infrastructures, thereby contributing to the possibility to engineer cyber warfare tensions.
A week ago,
China's CERT released their annual security report (in Chinese for the time being), outlining the local threatscape with data indicating the increasing efficiency applied by Turkish web site defacement groups, in between the logical increases in spam/phishing and malware related incidents. Here's an excerpt from the report :
"According CNCERT / CC monitoring found that in 2007 China's mainland are implanted into the host Trojans alarming increase in the number of IP is 22 times last year, the Trojans have become the largest Internet hazards. Underground black mature industrial chain for the production and the large number of Trojans wide dissemination provides a very convenient conditions, Trojan horses on the Internet led to the proliferation of a lot of personal information and the privacy of data theft, to the personal reputation and cause serious economic losses; In addition, the Trojans also increasingly being used to steal state secrets and secrets of the state and enterprises incalculable losses, the Chinese mainland are implanted into the Trojan Horse computer controlled source, the majority in China's Taiwan region, the phenomenon has been brought to the agency's attention. Zombie network is still the basic network attacks platform means and resources. 2007 CNCERT / CC sampling found to be infected with a zombie monitoring procedures inside and outside the mainframe amounted to 6.23 million, of which China's mainland has 3.62 million IP addresses were implanted zombie mainframe procedures, and more than 10,000 outside the control server to China Host mainland control. Zombie networks primarily be used launch denial of service (DdoS) attacks, send spam, spread malicious code, as well as theft of the infected host of sensitive information, issued by the zombie network flow, distributed DDOS attack is recognized in the world problems not only seriously affect the operation of the Internet business, but also a serious threat to China's Internet infrastructure in the safe operation. 2007 China's Internet domain name registration and the use of quantitative rapid growth, reaching 11.93 million, an annual growth rate of 190.4 percent, while hackers use of domain names has become a major tool. Use of domain names, the attackers could be flexible, hidden website linked to the implementation of large-scale horse zombie network control, network malicious activities such as counterfeiting. Fast-Flux domain names, such as dynamic analysis technologies, resulting in accordance with the IP to the attacks more difficult to trace and block; 2007 domain names which has been in use analytical services for the existence of security flaws, the public domain analysis of the server domain hijacking security incidents, a large number of users without knowing the circumstances of their fishing lure to the site or sites containing malicious code, such incidents very great danger. Therefore, the strengthening of the management of domain names and domain names analytic system's security protection is very important."
6.23 million botnet participating hosts according to their stats, where 3.62 million are Chinese IPs is a great example of how the Chinese Internet infrastructure's getting heavily abused by experienced malware and botnet masters, primarily taking advantage of what's old school social engineering, and outdated malware infection techniques, which undoubtedly will work given China's immature and inexperienced from a security perspective emerging Internet generation.

Getting back to the globalization and efficiency of Turkish web site defacement groups' worldwide web application security audit, indicated in the report, according to China's CERT these are the top 10 defacers, where 7 are well known Turkish ones, and 3 are interestingly Chinese :
sinaritx - 1731 defacements
1923turk - 1417 defacements
the freedom - 1156 defacements
aLpTurkTegin - 1052 defacements
Mor0Ccan Islam Defenders Team - 864 defacements
iskorpitx - 761 defacements
lucifercihan - 525 defacements
It's also interesting to see pro-democratic Chinese hackers attacking homeland networks.
Cyber warfare tensions engineering is only starting to take place, and state sponsored or perhaps even tolerated cyber espionage building capabilities in order for the state to later on acquire the already developed resources and capabilities in a cost-effective manner. However, considering the recent cyber attacks against "Free Tibet" movements, as well as the DDoS attack attempts at CNN due to CNN's coverage of Tibet, Chinese cyber warriors continue demonstrating people's information warfare, and Internet PSYOPs by developing an anti-cnn.com ( community, with some catchy altered images from the originals broadcasted worldwide, and with a special section to improve China's image across the world.
And logically, there's a
PSYOPs centered malware released in the wild, a sample of which is basically embedding links to a non-existent domain, descriptive enough to point to
TibetIsAPartOFChina.com :
%\CommonDocuments%\My Music\My Playlists\WWW.cgjSFGrz_TibetIsAPartOFChina.COM
%CommonDocuments%\My Music\WWW.bimStzno_TibetIsAPartOFChina.COM
%CommonDocuments%\My Videos\WWW.kUJs_TibetIsAPartOFChina.COM
%CommonPrograms%\Accessories\System Tools\WWW.aEGXBl_TibetIsAPartOFChina.COM
Now that's effective digital PSYOPs, isn't it? If you're visionary enough to tolerate the development of underground communities, whereas ensuring their nationalism level remain a priority for anything they do, you end up with a powerful cyber army whose every action perfectly fits with your political and military doctrine, without you even bothering to coordinate their efforts, thereby eliminating the need for a command and control structure.
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