Try the very latest rogue security domains courtesy of three domainers (Fedor Ibragimov cndomainz@yahoo.com, Anton Golovayk gpdomains@yahoo.com and Ivan Durov idomains.admin@gmail.com ) whose portfolios can always keep you updated about the latest releases of such popular software as The Best Antivirus Cleaner 2008.
powerfullantivirusscan .com (;;
protection-update .com
updatepcprotection .com
updateyourprotection .com
mac-imunizator .net (
avproinstall .com (
winavpro .com (

spywaredefender2009 .com
spywaredestroyer2009 .com
spywareeliminator2009 .com
spywareprotector2009 .com
It would be interesting to monitor whether or not the well known non-existent security software brands we've monitoring throughout 2008, will be basically typosquatted in a 2009 like fashion, or would they simply introduce new brands. With their business model under pressure, I'm starting to see evidence of schemes involving the illegal advertisement of affiliate links to legitimate security software, where the cybercriminals are actual resellers of it. There's also no shortage of surreal situations, where a fake security software is taking advantage of blackhat SEO practices promising the removal of competing fake security software brands.
Last week, the noadware .net (; software was persistently advertised in such a way, mostly by generating Wordpress accounts promising to remove competing software :
antiviruspro2009.wordpress .com
ultraantivirus2009.wordpress .com
smartantivirus.wordpress .com
antiviruslab2009.wordpress .com
antivirusvip.wordpress .com
personaldefender2009.wordpress .com
malwareremoval.wordpress .com
Naturally, it didn't take long before blackhat SEO farms were created for the purpose, like these very latest ones :
removal-tool.blogspot .com
cgidoctor .com
spywareremoval .net
spyware-adware-remover .com
spywarestop .com
zero-adware .net
adware-remove .com
antispywaresecrets .com
protectyourcomputerfromspyware .info
cleanpcfree .net
spyware-bot .com
spywarezapper.co .uk
thepcsecurity .com
noadware-official-site .com
spywaredoctorfavor .cn
removespywareedge .cn
thespywareremover .com
virusremovalguru .com
virusremovalguide .org
The day when fake security software sites start attracting traffic by promising to remove other fake security software, is the day when we have clear evidence that an ecosystem has emerged.
Related posts:
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Twelve
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Eleven
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Ten
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Nine
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Eight
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Seven
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Six
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Five
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Four
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Three
A Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software - Part Two
Diverse Portfolio of Fake Security Software
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